How can I buy condoms without shyness?

How can I buy condoms without shyness?

Try self-checkout. Instead of using the checkout line, buy your condoms from a store that has an automated checkout, where you scan your purchases and bag them yourself. This will allow you to avoid talking to a cashier. Most grocery stores and large retailers have self- checkout stations.

How embarrassing is it to buy condoms?

A survey by Fusion Condoms found 56\% of people surveyed, were embarrassed to buy them. When it came to men, 54\% got red faced while 57\% of woman did. Sexual health charities agree embarrassment is still a big issue for many people.

Can students buy condoms?

How old do you need to be to buy condoms? You can buy condoms at any age. Condoms are available in drugstores, Planned Parenthood health centers, other community health centers, some supermarkets, and from vending machines.

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How do people ask for condoms in India?

All you have to say is, “I want *this particular brand and size* condom”. If they have the product, the pharmacist will hand it to you.

Do you need ID to buy condoms?

Make sure you know the facts before you use one. Myth: You have to be 18 to buy condoms. Truth: Condoms are available at any age and free of charge from contraception clinics, Brook centres, sexual health (GUM) clinics and young people’s clinics. These services also provide confidential advice.

Is there an age limit to buy condoms in India?

There is no age restriction on buying condoms. You are legally allowed to buy condoms at any age as you do not need to have parental consent or a doctor’s prescription. If you are feeling shy or concerned about other people looking at you, you can always order them online.

How can I buy condoms in India?

You are legally allowed to buy condoms at any age as you do not need to have parental consent or a doctor’s prescription. If you are feeling shy or concerned about other people looking at you, you can always order them online. Make sure to check the expiration date printed on the condom packet.

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How can I get condoms at 16?

You can get condoms from drugstores, Planned Parenthood health centers, community health centers, doctor’s offices, supermarkets, convenience stores, online, and even from vending machines. You don’t need a prescription and there are no age restrictions — anybody can buy condoms.

Is it weird to buy condoms in India?

Condoms are legal in India. They are also the greatest of human inventions. Go to a medical store and buy it. You can also order them online.

What is the price of condoms in India?

Moods condom price in India

KamaSutra Condoms No. of pieces Price
Kamasutra honeymoon gift pack 24s Rs.599
Ks butterscotch flavour condoms online 10s Rs.80
Ks butterscotch flavour condoms online 12s RS.90
Ks banana flavour condoms online 10s Rs.80

How do you buy condoms for the first time?

Tips for buying condoms

  1. Buy before you need them. Buy your condoms before you think you need to use them.
  2. Check the expiration date. It’s also important to know that condoms have expiration dates and using an expired condom reduces its effectiveness.
  3. If you get carded.
  4. Learn what you need.
  5. At the store.
  6. Know that it’s normal.
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Why are condoms locked?

A number of pharmacies and retailers are locking condoms up or putting them out of the customer’s easy reach in order to prevent shoplifters from walking off with their stock of prophylactics.