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How was the Reign of Terror not justified?

How was the Reign of Terror not justified?

Ultimately, The Reign of Terror in France was not justified because the threats did not require it, the methods were too extreme and It did not support the ideals of the revolution. The threats made during The Reign of Terror were not remotely extreme enough to resolve in death and therefore was not justified.

What stopped the Reign of Terror?

In July 1794 Robespierre was arrested and executed as were many of his fellow Jacobins, thereby ending the Reign of Terror, which was succeeded by the Thermidorian Reaction.

Why was the Reign of Terror allowed?

Reign of Terror lasted from September 1793 until the fall of Robespierre in 1794. Its purpose was to purge France of enemies of the Revolution and protect the country from foreign invaders.

Why was the Reign of Terror not justified in Dbq?

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In fact, The Reign of Terror was not justified because: The methods of the disaster were too extreme, the peasants and lower class citizens were not treated as well as the clergy, and it took away the citizens freedom. methods of killing innocent people was to the extreme and should not have went that far.

How was the French revolution justified?

The French people were justified to revolt because their rulers, king Louis XVI and the queen, Marie Antoinette, were hoarding food in their palace while their people starved. The french way of government failed because there was too much power in the hands of a single person.

What was the Reign of Terror and how did it end provide facts about the terror?

Reign of Terror: A period of violence during the French Revolution incited by conflict between two rival political factions, the Girondins and the Jacobins, and marked by mass executions of “the enemies of the revolution.” The death toll ranged in the tens of thousands, with 16,594 executed by guillotine and another …

How did the Reign of Terror come to an end quizlet?

What was the Reign of Terror and how did it end? Robespierre’s rule as a dictator, when thousand were beheaded. The terror ended when Robespierre himself went to the guillotine.

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Which period in French history is known as the Reign of Terror give reasons?

The period from 1793 to 1794 was referred to as the ‘Reign of Terror’ because of the following reasons: Maximilian Robespierre followed a policy of severe control and punishment. Any person who did not agree with his policies was guillotined.

Why was the French Revolution justified?

What were the effects of the Reign of Terror?

What were the results of the Reign of Terror? A conscripted army, which saved France from invasion by other countries, was meant to solidify the gains of the Revolution and to create a stable republic. Instead, it destabilized the country.

Why was terror used in the French Revolution?

The leaders felt that their ideal version of government was threatened from the inside and outside of France, and terror was the only way to preserve the dignity of the Republic created from French Revolution.

What ended the reign of Terror in France?

The Reign of Terror came to an end when its leader, Maximilien Robespierre, was executed. The aim of the Reign of Terror was to purge France of those who opposed the French Revolution. The Reign of Terror began on September 5, 1793 and ended on July 28, 1794, lasting around 10 months.

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What are facts about the French Revolution?

Interesting French Revolution Facts: Prior to the beginning of the French Revolution peasants were so poor and the cost of food so high that many starved to death. The rich were born rich – and vice versa. While the poor in France were starving the wealthy lived a life of extravagance.

What were the reasons for the reign of Terror?

The Reign of Terror was caused by the evolution of the French Revolution. The foreign attacks and counter revolutions further enhanced the French’s protection of liberty and equality, caused great conspiracy and suspicion within the nation and the development of radical and extreme political groups of Frenchmen .

What caused the reign of Terror?

The Reign of Terror was not driven by one man, one body or one policy; it was a child with many parents, triggered and driven by different forces and factors. Whatever its causes, the Reign of Terror was certainly the most violent period of the French Revolution .