How do you know if you have a distal femur fracture?

How do you know if you have a distal femur fracture?

Distal femur fractures hurt a lot when you try to move your leg or your knee joint. You usually can’t walk on the leg. You may see or feel a bump where the bone is broken, and your injured leg may appear shorter than the other. When you see a doctor, they will take x-rays to see if your bone is broken.

What does a fracture in the femur feel like?

A femur fracture may cause extreme pain in the upper leg area or hip area. It also may cause lesser pain in the buttocks, knee, thigh, groin, or back. You may experience: Difficulty walking, or inability to walk, move the leg, or stand.

Can you walk on a fractured femur?

A femoral shaft fracture usually causes immediate, severe pain. You will not be able to put weight on the injured leg, and it may look deformed—shorter than the other leg and no longer straight.

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Can a distal femur fracture heal without surgery?

Very few distal femur fracture patterns and types do not need surgery for the bone to heal. This is because the strength of muscles that pull on the bones trying to pull them apart. Small breaks or those with good overall alignment often can be treated without an operation.

Is the thigh distal to the knee?

Like the upper limb, the lower limb is divided into three regions. The thigh is that portion of the lower limb located between the hip joint and knee joint. The leg is specifically the region between the knee joint and the ankle joint. Distal to the ankle is the foot.

How do you immobilize a distal femur fracture?

Long leg splintage is a useful technique for temporary immobilization of a fracture involving the distal femur. It can be used in the emergency room to immobilize the limb of a patient with an isolated injury. It can also be used as a temporary aid to fracture stabilization in the multiple injured patient.

How does a hairline fracture feel?

What are the symptoms of a hairline fracture? The most common symptom of a hairline fracture is pain. This pain can gradually get worse over time, especially if you don’t stop weight-bearing activity. Pain is usually worse during activity and lessens during rest.

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How long does pain last after femur fracture?

Your broken bone (fracture) was put into position and stabilized. You can expect some pain and swelling around the cut (incision) the doctor made. This should get better within a few days after your surgery. But it is normal to have some pain for 2 to 3 weeks after surgery and mild pain for up to 6 weeks after surgery.

Which of the following symptoms are most indicative of a femur fracture?

The following symptoms may indicate a femur break or fracture: Severe and immediate pain following an accident, collision, or fall. An inability to put weight on an injured leg. The crooked appearance of an injured leg.

What bone is distal to the femur?

The femur articulates proximally with the acetabulum of the pelvis forming the hip joint, and distally with the tibia and patella to form the knee joint.

Where is the distal femur?

The distal femur is where the bone flares out like an upside-down funnel. The distal femur is the area of the leg just above the knee joint. Distal femur fractures most often occur either in older people whose bones are weak, or in younger people who have high energy injuries, such as from a car crash.

How is a distal femur fracture treated?

Nonsurgical treatment options for distal femur fractures include:

  1. Skeletal traction. Skeletal traction is a pulley system of weights and counterweights that holds the broken pieces of bone together.
  2. Casting and bracing. Casts and braces hold the bones in place while they heal.
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What are the signs and symptoms of a distal femur fracture?

Signs and symptoms of a Distal Femur Fracture include: Sharp and sudden pain in the leg, immediately after the injury occurs. Swelling, tenderness, and possible bruising around the injury site. Noticeable deformity of the leg. Reduced range of motion of the knee or ankle.

How long does it take for a distal femoral fracture to heal?

A majority of Distal Femoral Fractures heal without any serious complications A full recovery and a return to sports or normal daily activities usually requires 4-6 months post-surgery, depending on the severity of the injury

How do you diagnose a femoral stress fracture?

Femoral stress fracture treatment Your doctor will probably X-ray your leg. If they suspect a stress fracture, they will also do an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Most stress fractures can only be seen on an MRI.

How can I prevent knee stiffness after a distal femur fracture?

Some knee stiffness is expected after a distal femur fracture. Moving your knee soon after surgery is the best way to prevent stiffness. If you have lost significant knee motion and your fracture is healing, your doctor may suggest an additional operation to break up scar tissue around the kneecap.