
In which header file is the null macro defined?

In which header file is the null macro defined?

stddef. h is a header file in the standard library of the C programming language that defines the macros NULL and offsetof as well as the types ptrdiff_t, wchar_t, and size_t.

In which header file is the file defined?

A header file is a file with extension . h which contains C function declarations and macro definitions to be shared between several source files. There are two types of header files: the files that the programmer writes and the files that comes with your compiler.

What is the use of conio h in C?

h is a C header file used mostly by MS-DOS compilers to provide console input/output. It is not part of the C standard library or ISO C, nor is it defined by POSIX. This header declares several useful library functions for performing “istream input and output” from a program.

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What is header file in C and its use?

A header file is a file containing C declarations and macro definitions (see Macros) to be shared between several source files. You request the use of a header file in your program by including it, with the C preprocessing directive ‘ #include ‘.

Which header file is the null macro defined a Stdio HB math HC Stddef HD Stdio h and Stddef H?

Discussion Forum

Que. In which header file is the NULL macro defined?
b. stddef.h
c. stdio.h
d. math.h
Answer:stdio.h and stddef.h

Where is NULL macro defined in C?

Null macro is defined in stdio. h and stddef.h.It is used to represent a null pointer in your code. its value is zero. Null pointer is same as an uninitialized pointer.. It does not point anywhere.

What is void main in C?

Void main () is the entry point for execution in C program. The void is a keyword that represents function will not return anything but a void value. Main is the name of the function and () represents parameter list that can be passed to function in this case nothing is passed.

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What does getch () do in C?

We use a getch() function in a C/ C++ program to hold the output screen for some time until the user passes a key from the keyboard to exit the console screen. Using getch() function, we can hide the input character provided by the users in the ATM PIN, password, etc. Syntax: int getch(void);

What is header file list any two header file?

Different header files in C:-

Header File What it does
string.h Mainly used to perform string handling operations like strlen(), strcmp() etc.
conio.h With this header file, you can execute console input and output operations.
stdlib.h Mainly used to perform standard utility functions like malloc(), calloc() etc.

Where is null defined in C?

NULL is the null-pointer value used with many pointer operations and functions. It is equivalent to 0. NULL is defined in the following header files: CRTDBG. H, STDIO. H, STDLIB.