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Why does carbon and oxygen form carbon dioxide?

Why does carbon and oxygen form carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide: Carbon dioxide is a molecule composed of one carbon atom bonded to two oxygen atoms via two double bonds. Carbon dioxide is a byproduct of exhaling and from the burning of fossil fuels. Its natural existence is in the form of a gas, which is inert and non harmful to humans in very low concentrations.

Why is carbon monoxide sometimes formed instead of carbon dioxide?

Incomplete combustion of carbon occurs if enough air is not available to convert all of it to carbon dioxide, and in such as case carbon monoxide is formed by the addition of half the amount of oxygen as is present in carbon dioxide, to the carbon atom, namely, CO instead of CO2.

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Does carbon reacts with oxygen to give carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide….Example.

Step Result Equation balanced?
1 carbon monoxide + oxygen → carbon dioxide
2 CO + O 2 → CO 2
3 Reactants: 1 × C, (1 × O) + (2 × O) = 3 × O. Products: 1 × C, 2 × O Not balanced.
4 2CO + O 2 → CO 2

How does carbon react with oxygen?

Carbon reacts with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide which is an exothermic reaction, where 394 kJ/mol of heat is produced.

When carbon monoxide combines with oxygen carbon dioxide is formed?

Carbon monoxide reacts with oxygen gas to produce carbon dioxide according to the following equation: At room temperature this reaction must be catalyzed. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless poisonous gas. It’s produced by the incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons.

When carbon bonds with oxygen what gas is formed when carbon bonds with oxygen what gas is formed?

carbon dioxide
Carbon burns in oxygen to form carbon dioxide.

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What is the difference between oxygen and carbon dioxide?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are gaseous components in air of the atmosphere. The key difference between oxygen and carbon dioxide is that oxygen is a diatomic molecule having two oxygen atoms whereas carbon dioxide is a triatomic molecule having one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.

How does carbon and oxygen form carbon monoxide?

Making Carbon Monoxide Carbon and oxygen can combine to form two gases. When combustion of carbon is complete, i.e. in the presence of plenty of air, the product is mainly carbon dioxide (CO2). there is a limited supply of air, only half as much oxygen adds to the carbon, and instead you form carbon monoxide (CO).

When carbon reacts with oxygen what product is formed?

Revision questions

Word equation carbon + oxygen → carbon dioxide
Chemical equation C + O2 → CO2
Picture equation

What happens when carbon monoxide burns in presence of oxygen?

In the presence of oxygen, including atmospheric concentrations, carbon monoxide burns with a blue flame, producing carbon dioxide.

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What happens when carbon dioxide reacts with carbon?

Carbon dioxide reacts with carbon to form carbon monoxide.

When carbon graphite combines with oxygen carbon dioxide is formed?

Carbon, as graphite, burns to form gaseous carbon (IV) oxide (carbon dioxide), CO2. Diamond is a form of carbon and also burns in air when heated to 600-800°C – an expensive way to make carbon dioxide! When the air or oxygen supply is restricted, incomplete combustion to carbon monoxide, CO, occurs.