
What can someone do with phone number and address?

What can someone do with phone number and address?

A thief could plug your name and address into a publicly searchable database to see what other pieces of information can be found. One website charges as little as a dollar for reports that include someone’s phone numbers, marriage and divorce records, education records, employment history, and more.

Is it a bad idea to give someone your address?

Just giving out the address is no problem, as long as you limit it to the address. Don’t you have phone directories “white pages” or similar where you live? Think about it, hundreds of people probably have your home address.

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Why would someone want your address?

A person’s name and address are valuable bits of information allowing scammers to execute many nefarious ploys. They can forge documents claiming they have shipped an item and demand payment from you now that the item is in UPS or the Postal Systems hands.

How do I stop someone using my address?

If you’re receiving post addressed to someone else (either a previous occupant or otherwise), it can’t affect your credit score. But understandably, you’ll want to stop them using your address. Simply write ‘not at this address’ or ‘moved away’ on the envelopes, and post them back to the senders.

Can you get hacked by giving out your phone number?

That said there are a few ways a hacker can use your phone number to help get extra access as part of a larger attack: ‘Phishing’ for personal data. It’s common for hackers to send fake text messages to their targets in order to gain username and password information (this is known as phishing).

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Can someone get my address from my phone number?

Your phone number is an easy-to-find key that can be used by hackers and scammers to unlocking your personal data. They can also use your number in many other malicious ways. I used to think that maybe, at best, a person could possibly find my name and address using my phone number.

Is it safe to give your number to strangers?

With your phone number, online scammers can pose with your identity and use this opportunity to solicit close friends and family members for funds and other favours. Scammers who have no control of your phone number can still make it a target for robocalls and phishing texts.

What happens if you give someone your phone number?

Giving a number may result in having someone bothering you with calls and texts more than you expected when giving your number in the first place. Blocking will help 🙂 In other scenario, it may also result in absolutely nothing dangerous in first, but the other person may show its true face later as time goes by.

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Is it dangerous to have just a phone number?

In both scenarios you continue living life. So realistically it’s not dangerous. No one is going to track you with your phone number, no one is going to steal your bank account with just your phone number, and no one is going to appear on your front door with just your phone number.

Should you give out your phone number when you shop online?

You’ll get some pushback from the cashier, but if they insist that you have to provide it, then just give a fake number. This is where it all starts—just don’t give out your phone number.

Should you give out your phone number in a text message?

There are lots of reasons why people give out their phone number after only a few messages. By giving out your phone number, it feels like you’re getting closer, and you can communicate faster.