
Should you put your cat through chemotherapy?

Should you put your cat through chemotherapy?

Cats tend to tolerate chemotherapy even better than dogs, and both tend to handle chemotherapy better than people. We have effective medications that can help minimize the most common side effects that may happen and help your pet get through them more quickly. Can my pet eat before their chemotherapy treatment? YES.

How do you know if a cat is suffering?

According to Vetstreet, common signs your cat is sick or in pain include: Hiding. Sitting still and hunched up. Loss of interest in people, other pets, or activities.

How do you tell if a cat is hurt internally?

All symptoms to watch for are as follows:

  1. Distended abdomen.
  2. Bruising of the ventral abdomen.
  3. Inability to get up.
  4. Visible wounds.
  5. Broken bones.
  6. Limping.
  7. Weakness.
  8. Difficulty breathing.
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How long can a cat live on chemo?

Between 50\%-75\% of cats with gastrointestinal large cell lymphoma receiving CHOP chemotherapy respond to treatment and their prognosis is between 6-9 months. Cats that achieve a complete remission live longer than those achieving a partial remission and a small percentage can live more than 2 years.

How long do cats live after chemotherapy?

Even with chemotherapy, survival time will typically be on the order of six months or so, although some cats may survive for a year or more.”

When is it time to euthanize a cat with feline leukemia?

A cat who tests positive for FeLV at a veterinary clinic or shelter should not be euthanized unless she is already ill or suffering beyond what can be treated. FeLV testing should be done with a plan to help the cat if she tests positive, not to end her life.

Is chemo really worth?

Suffering through cancer chemotherapy is worth it — when it helps patients live longer. But many patients end up with no real benefit from enduring chemo after surgical removal of a tumor. Going in, it’s been hard to predict how much chemo will help prevent tumor recurrence or improve survival chances.

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Can cats survive lymphoma?

Only 25-50\% of cats with high-grade lymphoma achieve remission with treatment. Typically, this period of remission lasts only 2-9 months, and then cats become ill again. Mediastinal lymphoma in cats with feline leukemia carries a poor prognosis, with an average survival time of 3 months.