
What is fengshui astrology?

What is fengshui astrology?

Fengshui (风水), literally ‘wind-water’, pronounced fnng-shway, is an ancient Chinese philosophy studying the auspiciousness of environments, based on Yin-Yang Theory and Five Elements Theory. It’s a form of geomancy. It is believed that fengshui can affect the destiny of an individual and even a country.

How do I find my feng shui element?

To work out your Personal Element proceed as follows:

  1. Find your year of birth. (
  2. Then subtract 1900. (
  3. Now add the digits together repeatedly until you end up with a single digit. (
  4. If you are Male Subtract this from 10.
  5. If you are Female Add 5 to the number from step 3. (

What are feng shui colors?

Each of the five basic elements has its own colors that, with the element, generate and spread energy, or chi.

  • Wood- blue, green.
  • Fire – red.
  • Earth – yellow.
  • Metal – white, beige, silver.
  • Water – dark blue, black.

Is feng shui for Real?

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese art that involves creating a space that’s harmonious with the environment. It literally means “wind” (feng) and “water” (shui). With feng shui, objects in a room are arranged according to the flow of natural energy. Read on to learn how to arrange your office according to feng shui.

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What is a flying star in feng shui?

Flying star is a discipline of Feng Shui which deals with the analysis of stars and its influence on buildings. Good stars, the ones which bring luck, wealth and fame, and the bad stars, which bring misfortunes, ill health and bad luck are analyzed by creating charts.

What does the goat symbolize in feng shui?

The Goat symbolizes pureness and preciousness due to its natural beauty. The original meaning of beauty originated from eating delicious food, so it was with this aesthetic sense from the ancient people that the form of the character “美” (meaning “beauty” or “tastefulness” in Chinese) is inferred.

What exactly does feng shui do?

Feng Shui Is an ancient Chinese science which teaches how to have balance and good energy flow, by placing items around you in a certain space and direction. Feng Shui is a practice of keeping things clutter free and organized, In order to clear the path for wealth, success and abundant energy.

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Do You Believe in feng shui?

Feng Shui is not a believe system. It´s the branch of Daoism explaining the interaction between human being and environment. Our environment has a scientifically well described and well defined influence on us. Feng Shui is merely a language to describe it.