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What is your Trigram?

What is your Trigram?

Your Personal Trigram is based on your gender and date of birth and is used to determine your compatibility with a building, as well as your most auspicious direction and directions to avoid.

How do you find your Trigram?

Sum the digits of your birth year repeatedly until it reduces to a single digit. 3. Subtract this single number from 11. The result is your trigram number.

How do I find my personal element?

Here’s how to find out which of the five elements is connected to your year of birth.

  1. Metal: Birth years ending in 0 or 1.
  2. Water: Birth years ending in 2 or 3.
  3. Wood: Birth years ending in 4 or 5.
  4. Fire: Birth years ending in 6 or 7.
  5. Earth: Birth years ending in 8 or 9.
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What is Kan in Feng Shui?

CAREER / SOCIAL LIFE (KAN) Water is the element that represents this GUA and can create a positive flow of energy in your life. Help your career by also using GEN colors of Knowledge and Wisdom or LI colors of Fame/Recognition to be more noticed in your Career and Social Life.

What are the five elements in feng shui?

Feng shui divides the world into five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. If you have a room that doesn’t feel quite right, try balancing the elements to make it more comfortable. Each element invokes a different mood, creating a customized space that’s beneficial for your personality and goals.

What does the number 7 mean in Feng Shui?

This number represents spirituality. Vibe of House Totalling to Number 7. House number that totals to 7 is home to spiritual energies. Best suited for. Individuals who are looking for spiritual growth and are inclined towards finding the purpose and truth of life, this house is perfect for them.

What is Gua number?

Your Gua number is very exact. It zeroes in on your date of birth each of the directions or locations brings in descending order. Depending on your Gua number, each of the direction or location brings a different kind of luck. If your Gua is 1, 3, 4, 9 Your good directions are the East, North, South and Southeast.

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What color is the element air?

Air is associated with blue, white, yellow or gray. Fire is often red or orange. Water is mostly associated with the color blue.

How do I choose my lucky numbers?

To find your life path number in numerology, which is the most significant of your lucky numbers, start by breaking down your birth month, day, and year into single digits. Then, add the single digits for each part of your birthday together. Next, add all 3 of those numbers together.

What do the trigrams of feng shui represent?

Each of the trigrams is believed to have eseence, inner structure, and motivation as presented in the table below: This trigram comprises 3 unbroken Yang lines and is associated with the head of the household – the father/leader/patriarch/male. It also signifies sky, energy, perseverance and heaven.

What is the meaning of the a trigram?

A trigram is a symbol made up of 3 horizontal lines on top of each other like a hamburger. And according to the I-Ching (book of changes) is the metaphysical model that makes sense out of the universe. The top line represents heaven, middle line represents earth, and bottom line represents man.

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What are the 8 trigrams of the I Ching?

The 8 Trigrams are, in fact, ancient Chinese symbols whose origins lie in the I Ching – The Book of Changes. Each trigram is represented by 3 lines, the top line represents the influence of the Heaven, the middle represents the influence of the Humanity and the lowest line represents the influence of the Earth.

How are the trigrams arranged to make the Bagua?

There are 2 ways the trigrams are arranged to make up the bagua. Actually there are more than 2. It’s just that only 2 are used in modern practice. The early arrangement is used for yin purposes like the feng shui of grave sites for the blessing of ancestors to descendants.