
What ever happened to Long Feng?

What ever happened to Long Feng?

In a fit of rage, Jet flung one of his swords at Long Feng, who dodged and retaliated with a powerful earthbending move that mortally wounded him. Angrily telling Jet he had chosen his own demise, he departed the scene.

What happened to Smellerbee and longshot?

When the Fire Nation Army arrived as well and a battle ensued, Longshot aided Smellerbee in her fight against Sneers and Kori, though they were soon broken up by Sokka. The fight was halted when an enraged Avatar Aang entered the Avatar State and separated Longshot and the other invaders from the city.

What is wrong with Ba Sing Se?

By the end of the spring of 100 AG, however, Ba Sing Se had fallen into the hands of the Fire Nation through an internal coup d’état led by Princess Azula, who allied with the Dai Li and subsequently had them destroy a portion of the city’s wall to allow her troops to enter.

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Why did the Dai Li steal Appa?

Once in the right position, he captured Appa and hid him in the Dai Li’s base under Lake Laogai to use as blackmail against Team Avatar so they would not reveal his conspiracy. Team Avatar soon became frustrated at the lack of urgency displayed by the city to their plans for an intended invasion of the Fire Nation.

What was Kyoshi’s first element?

Avatar Kyoshi’s original bending was Earth. After that Avatar Roku came whose original bending was fire. Next was Aang whose original bending was air. After Aang,it is Korra and her original bending is water.

What happened jet ATLA?

Jet was able to break free of the mind control when Aang reminded him of the Freedom Fighters, but when he turned to fight Long Feng instead, the earthbender hit Jet with a pillar of rock. That was as far as Avatar: The Last Airbender went in terms of confirming Jet’s death in the episode itself.

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What does AG mean ATLA?

The series begins in 99 AG (“after the genocide”) at at the tail end of a hundred years’ war. The events of the TV show are, therefore, the consequences of invasion and slaughter.

What did Jet do to Katara?

Jet and his freedom fighters jumped in to help them. Katara immediately developed a crush on Jet and blushed as he helped her up into the treetop hideout. She was very impressed in Jet’s skills and Jet was impressed in her waterbending ability.

Is Republic City real?

The concept of Republic City is inspired by several real world past and present locations from the late 1800s to the 1930s. This includes Shanghai circa 1920s, Hong Kong, and Western cities such as New York, Chicago and Vancouver.

Which is bigger Ba Sing Se or Republic city?

Any world map is bound to show Ba Sing Se, and for good reason. Not only is it the seat of the Earth Kingdom throne, but it’s enormous. It’s much bigger than even Zaofu or Republic City in later decades, and if these maps are even halfway accurate, Ba Sing Se must be over one hundred miles in diameter.

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Did Avatar Kyoshi create the Dai Li?

Kyoshi founded the Dai Li and trained its initial members. The Dai Li was originally created by Avatar Kyoshi, sometime between 270 and 82 BG, to preserve the cultural heritage of Ba Sing Se in response to a peasant uprising against the government of the 46th Earth King.

Did the Dai Li metal bend?

The Dai Li are the more effective corps of earthbenders. While the Republic City police officers have access to vehicles and can bend metal (while the Dai Li seemingly cannot), the Dai Li have a few distinct advantages. Primarily, their stealth.