
Can a while loop always be rewritten as an equivalent for loop and vice versa?

Can a while loop always be rewritten as an equivalent for loop and vice versa?

You can always convert a while loop to a for loop. The while loop and the do loop are equivalent in their expressive power; in other words, you can rewrite a while loop using a do loop, and vice versa. A variable declared in the for loop control can be used after the loop exits.

Can a while loop replace any for loop?

Code Inspection: ‘for’ loop may be replaced by ‘while’ loop Reports a for loop that contains neither initialization nor an update component. Suggests replacing the loop with a simpler while statement. Use the checkbox below if you wish this inspection to ignore for loops with trivial or non-existent conditions.

Can you always convert a while loop to a for loop?

You can always convert a while loop to a for loop. You can always write a program without using break or continue in a loop. A variable declared in the for loop control can be used after the loop exits. You can always convert a for loop to a while loop.

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Can all loops be converted into another type of loop?

The need doesn’t exist in the real world (fortunately or unfortunately), but loops do and they can always be converted between while, for, and recursive loops. Talk about utility.

Can every while loop be replaced with for loop quizlet?

Terms in this set (16) Any ‘for’ loop can be replaced by an equivalent ‘while’ loop. A ‘while’ loop must always have at least one ‘if’ statement in it.

Can if else and while loop be used interchangeably?

Well the if is a one time branching operation and the while loop is as the name implies a loop. Meaning an if statement gives you once the possibility to do something or not (or something else). Whereas a while loop does things as long as the condition is true.

What is something that a while loop can do that a for loop Cannot?

Explicit flow control inside the while loop permits execution that a for loop (with internal init; and modify; statements) can not recreate.

Are while loops and for loops interchangeable?

For loops and while loops are completely interchangeable. The next figure illustrates their equivalence and how you can convert one to the other. for-loop and while-loop equivalence.

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What is the main difference between while and do while loops?

The main difference between While and Do-While loop is that one evaluates condition first and then executes the loop body, whereas, other one executes the loop body first and then checks for the condition.

When would it be more beneficial to use a while loop instead of a for loop quizlet?

Terms in this set (15) We use a for loop instead of a while loop when we have a definite starting and stopping point, or when we know exactly how many times we want to repeat something. A run-time error that occurs when you try to access past the end of a string or list in a loop.

What is it called when a loop will execute a fixed number of times?

In computer science, a for-loop (or simply for loop) is a control flow statement for specifying iteration, which allows code to be executed repeatedly. For-loops are typically used when the number of iterations is known before entering the loop.

Is if/then else a loop?

The if/else loop is a conditional statement (do this or else do that). You use this statement to execute some code if the condition is true and another code if the condition is false.

Should I use a for loop or a while loop?

All for loops can be written as while loops, and vice-versa. Just use whichever loop seems more appropriate to the task at hand. In general, you should use a for loop when you know how many times the loop should run. If you want the loop to break based on a condition other than the number of times it runs, you should use a while loop.

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What is difference between Forfor and while loop in C++?

For loop is used when the number of iterations is known beforehand for the specified operation (for e.g find sum of first n natural numbers) While loop is used when the number of iterations is not known beforehand but the end condition is known (for e.g while reading contents from a file)

When do I use a for loop in the JavaScript challenges?

When do I use a for loop and when do I use a while loop in the JavaScript challenges? All for loops can be written as while loops, and vice-versa. Just use whichever loop seems more appropriate to the task at hand. In general, you should use a for loop when you know how many times the loop should run.

Why do I get compile error when for loop is missing?

The program has a compile error because the adjustment is missing in the for loop. What is i after the following for loop? The while loop and the do loop are equivalent in their expressive power; in other words, you can rewrite a while loop using a do loop, and vice versa.