
Which is grammatically correct I feel bad or I feel badly?

Which is grammatically correct I feel bad or I feel badly?

Feel bad is the grammatically correct version when describing that you don’t feel well physically or emotionally. Something can “look delicious” but not “look deliciously,” and we “feel sad” and not “feel sadly.” Feel badly is likely heard often due to the adverbial use of “bad” in examples like “it hurts badly.”

Did she make or made?

Make and Made are two verbs that refer to the same thing. That is to say that both ‘make’ and ‘made’ originate from the same verb form ‘to make’. The main difference between make and made is that ‘Make’ is the present tense of the verb while ‘Made’ is the past tense of the verb.

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What’s another way to say feel bad?

What is another word for feel-bad?

sad heartrending
down depressed
gloomy glum
despondent low
unhappy downcast

What is another word for feel bad?

Feel-bad Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for feel-bad?

sad heartrending
down depressed
gloomy glum
despondent low
unhappy downcast

What does it mean to feel bad?

Experience regret, sadness, embarrassment, or a similar unpleasant emotion. For example, I feel bad about not attending the funeral, or The teacher’s scolding made Bobby feel bad. [ First half of 1800s]

How do you use make made?

Made vs Make Make is the present tense whereas made is the past tense. Made is the past participle of make. Made in a particular country means the object has been manufactured in that country.

How can I use made in a sentence?

Made sentence example

  1. This made him very proud of his skill.
  2. Tik-tok moved by clockwork, and was made all of burnished copper.
  3. Katie made a face.
  4. This was a decision she had already made once – but not really.
  5. He was a very wise and powerful ruler, and he made his country the greatest of any that was then known.
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How do you say feel bad for you?

You could say something like, “I feel bad for you,” or you could even just offer a one-word interjection of empathy: “Ouch!” Sorry can be a confusing word, I guess. Sorry about that.

How do you say I feel bad professionally?

synonyms for feel sorry for

  1. bleed for.
  2. comfort.
  3. commiserate.
  4. condole with.
  5. console.
  6. empathize with.
  7. express sympathy.
  8. feel for.