
Why keep praying when there is no answer?

Why keep praying when there is no answer?

Persistent prayer clarifies your request. A delayed answer gives you time to clarify exactly what you want and to refine your prayers. When you pray persistently to your heavenly Father and you say something over and over again, it separates deep longings from mere whims. It says, “God, I really care about this.”

Why do we pray if God already knows everything?

God doesn’t need your prayers because He knows exactly what you need before you even ask, but we need Him in our lives so desperately. Our prayers are a proactive act of faith on our part. We need to be willing to wrestle with our faith at God’s footstools so we can come to say, “Thy will be done.”

Is it OK to pray while doing other things?

Is it okay to pray while doing other things, or do I need to always be 100\% focused while I pray? Yes of course that is OK. We are told to be in a prayerful mindset as much as we can. That would include while we are doing many of our daily tasks.

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What should be our attitude when we pray?

The important thing in prayer isn’t our physical position, but the attitude of our hearts. When we pray, do we realize we are approaching the Creator and Lord of the Universe? Make sure of your commitment to Jesus Christ — and then joyfully but reverently come into His presence as you pray.

Should I keep praying?

Persistence in prayer teaches us about persistence in life. If all prayers were answered immediately in exactly the way we wanted them to be, there would be no need for the kind of perseverance that leads to spiritual growth and development.

What is our attitude when we pray?

Is it OK to pray in bed?

Originally Answered: Can I pray while lying in bed? You can literally pray anywhere, any time, and God will hear you. (You can imagine being in an accident, hanging upside down from a rope by one foot, and praying for rescue in that weird position, and all is OK).

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Can I pray in bathroom?

You can pray anywhere, as long as the criteria are met. Existence of a toilet is not part of the criteria. The land belonging to yourself or you having permission to reside there is part of the criteria. That’s all, assuming you are talking about Salat, the official prayer.

Why don’t people pray for you when you tell them they’re praying?

There are at least two reasons why telling people you’ll pray them isn’t as helpful as it sounds. 1. Because you won’t. Maybe you truly do have every intention of praying for them that week, but let’s be honest. It’s just not going to happen.

Is it difficult to pray for the same thing?

So difficult in fact, you may want to just stop praying all together. Maybe you’ve been praying for the same thing for years and you’ve grown tired, weary, and wonder if God even hears you anymore. Or cares. Maybe you don’t want to get your hopes up by praying about a particular situation because you doubt it will really turn out as you desire.

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What happens when you give up on praying?

Prayer brings healing, power, strength, and comfort when we actually take the time to pray. There are things we may forfeit if we give up on praying. James tells us: “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” – James 5:16 NIV

Is it possible to stop praying every day?

When a Christian makes it a habit to pray every day, he or she experiences the benefits of communing with God on such an intimate level. There are times however, that no matter how faithful you are to God and how strong your walk with the Lord is, prayer is simply difficult. So difficult in fact, you may want to just stop praying all together.