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Can my wife force me to take a drug test?

Can my wife force me to take a drug test?

Yes. One spouse may file a motion to have their soon to be ex-spouse drug tested during a divorce. Ultimately, it will be up to the judge to decide whether or not it is appropriate to order testing. Additionally, a judge can order drug testing on their own without either party requesting it.

Should I drug test my spouse?

When a California family law judge requires a spouse to submit to mandatory drug testing they must order the least intrusive testing method that is possible. In most cases, a judge will also require the accusing spouse to undergo mandatory drug testing, as well.

Do home drug tests really work?

No. No drug test of this type is 100\% accurate. There are several factors that can make the test results negative even though the person is abusing drugs. First, you may have tested for the wrong drugs.

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How far back does a hair follicle test detect drugs?

How far back can a hair drug test detect drug use? Hair drug tests have the longest detection period, and can typically detect drug use for up to 90 days. Depending on the drugs used, a hair sample can sometimes help determine when drug use occurred and whether it’s been discontinued.

Can I make my ex take a drug test?

You cannot ask the court to submit your soon to be ex spouse to a drug screening just because you personally believe they may be on drugs. Rather, you have to try to provide at least some evidence to the court to back up this claim. A prior history with drugs is a great place to start.

Can you force someone to take a drug test?

California law allows an employer to require a “suspicionless” drug test as a condition of employment after a job offer is tendered but before the employee begins working.

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What can cause a false positive hair follicle test?

Prescription medications and certain foods, such as poppy seeds, may contain compounds that might lead to false positive results. Hair samples undergo a two-step process to ensure accurate test results. The first step involves an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test, which is a rapid screening method.