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What is introverted intuition good for?

What is introverted intuition good for?

Instead of taking things at face value like people with sensing personalities, introverted intuitives are very instinctual and can use that to gain deeper insights. They often solve problems by jumping between various ideas, recognizing patterns, and by following their instincts.

What are examples of introverted intuition?

10 Signs That You Might Be an Introverted Intuitive

  • #1 – I Am Driven By My Inspiration.
  • #2 – The More Abstract the Conversation, the More I Enjoy It.
  • #3 – I Am Individualistic and Independent.
  • #4 – I Want To Know What’s “Behind the Facade”
  • #5 – I Need Time to “Daydream”
  • #6 – I Trust the Unconscious World.

How many people have introverted intuition?

Introverted Intuition (Ni) is by far the least represented of all the cognitive functions. INFJs and INTJs, who use Ni as their dominant function, make up just 3-5\% of the population.

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Which personality types have NI?

Ni-dominant personality types (INTJs and INFJs) have advanced insight and awareness of patterns and underlying meanings. They can quickly understand complex or abstract concepts, but may have a harder time remembering concrete, sensory details (as Si-dominant types would).

What does se look like in a person?

Only people whose dominant or auxiliary function is Se will see the world as you do. You experience what your 5 senses tell you directly, accurately, and in real time. You notice sounds, sights and smells before other people do. You probably move gracefully and with ease.

How do you know if you use introverted intuition?

Introverted intuition (Ni) involves having a deep, almost paradoxical understanding of things surrounding us. Oftentimes, it’s hard to explain exactly how or why you know the things you do. Your dreams sometimes eerily come true. Your gut instincts rarely ever fail you.

What is an intuitive introvert?

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Intuitive introverts (i.e. INTJs, INTPs, INFJs, and INFPs) in the Myers-Briggs personality system are often depicted as intellectuals and deep thinkers. They prefer to think abstractly and spend a lot of time in their inner world, analyzing ideas and looking for patterns.

How do you know if you are an introverted intuition?

What is introverted thinking?

People who display introverted thinking seek consistency and logic of thought so they can form an internal framework for how things work and then figure out ways to improve, modify or perfect ideas. At work, they often use this framework to analyze, problem-solve and improve on the product, process or concept.

What is introverted intuition (ni)?

Introverted Intuition (Ni) Introverted Intuition (Ni) deals with understanding how the world works through internal intuitive analysis. Ni relies on gut feelings and intuition about a situation to help them understand. Introverted Intuition does not look at what is seen. Introverted Intuition forms an internal map and framework of how things work.

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Is introverted intuition a decision making function?

Introverted intuition is a perceiving function. Carl Jung called the perceiving functions “irrational” and that’s because they aren’t decision-making functions. Intuition is a way of perceiving the world and gathering information.

What is niintroverted intuition?

Introverted Intuition is one of the toughest functions to explain to someone else that doesn’t have it. Because of this, Ni has been labeled as “mystical” and “psychic.” And sure, it can appear that way to others, but it is more complex and involved than just “magically” coming to conclusions.

What percentage of INFJs use introverted intuition?

Appreciate that people who use Introverted Intuition as their primary or secondary functions represent a very small portion of the population: INFJ (1.5\%), INTJ (2.1\%), ENTJ (1.8\%), ENFJ (2.5\%). It can be a vulnerable position to have a strong hunch about something come out of nowhere without a way to explain it adequately to others.