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What personality type is obsessive?

What personality type is obsessive?

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is a personality disorder that’s characterized by extreme perfectionism, order, and neatness. People with OCPD will also feel a severe need to impose their own standards on their outside environment.

Why are people so obsessed with Myers Briggs?

Originally Answered: Why are people so obsessed with Myers Briggs personality types? People like the idea of finding categories they fit into. It’s a minor level of tribalism that doesn’t hurt much. As an INTJ I find it pleasant to finally find others who think similar to me.

Can INFPs be obsessive?

INFPs definitely have an obsessive side to them, especially with the things that inspire them. When INFPs find something that they can truly connect to, they don’t want to let go of it. It can be difficult for them to feel truly passionate about something, and will want to maintain that feeling.

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Are INTP obsessive?

INTPs can also be prone to intrusive thoughts and somewhat obsessive patterns in their lives. They search for ways to find the right answer and can put so much pressure on themselves, that their inner minds become a burden. For the INTP overthinking is natural, but they don’t always overthink about the logical things.

Which MBTI type is obsessed?

ENTJs can be unusually obsessive, especially when it comes to efficiency.

What MBTI type is Frank James?

James is an INFJ. It is obvious from his videos that he is an Se Extroverted Sensing user from his manner of dress and physical appearance. The way he speaks is also indicative of Ni introverted intuition he is very narrow in focus and not able to spout out more ideas like Ne users.

Are MBTI INFPs obsessed?

INFPs definitely have an obsessive side to them, especially with the things that inspire them. When INFPs find something that they can truly connect to, they don’t want to let go of it.