
What writing system does Cambodia use?

What writing system does Cambodia use?

Khmer script
The Khmer script (Khmer: អក្សរខ្មែរ, Âksâr Khmêr, pronounced [ʔaksɑː kʰmae]) is an abugida (alphasyllabary) script used to write the Khmer language, the official language of Cambodia. It is also used to write Pali in the Buddhist liturgy of Cambodia and Thailand. Khmer is written from left to right.

Is Cambodian and Thai mutually intelligible?

Khmer dialects, although mutually intelligible, are sometimes quite marked. Standard Cambodian Khmer is mutually intelligible with the others but a Khmer Krom speaker from Vietnam, for instance, may have great difficulty communicating with a Khmer native of Sisaket Province in Thailand.

Are Khmer and Cambodian the same language?

Khmer language, also called Cambodian, Mon-Khmer language spoken by most of the population of Cambodia, where it is the official language, and by some 1.3 million people in southeastern Thailand, and also by more than a million people in southern Vietnam.

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How similar are Khmer and Vietnamese?

Both belong to the same language family, although in different branches. Both Vietnamese and Khmer are Austro-Asiatic languages. Other languages belonging to this family are Mon, Wa and Palaung, for instance.

Is Khmer and Cambodian the same?

Are Khmer and Vietnamese mutually intelligible?

Cambodian and Vietnamese languages are not mutually intelligible at all. Even though Khmer and Vietnamese both belong to the Austroasiatic (Mon–Khmer) language family, our common ancestor dated back to 4,000 years ago.

What is similar to Khmer?

More distant relatives to Khmer are the Munda languages (of India), Khasi languages (India), Palaungic languages, Khmuic languages, Pakanic languages, Vietic languages (including Vietnamese), Katuic languages, Nicobarese languages (Nicobar Islands), Aslian languages, and Monic languages (including Mon).

What is the difference between Khmer and Cambodian?

Khmer is the ethnicity of the people and Cambodian is the nationality.

How similar are Thai and Vietnamese?

However, Thai and Vietnamese have no direct connection at all. They belong to different language families and are spoken in different parts of the world. They also have different writing systems. Both the languages have been heavily influenced by Chinese vocabulary, which is why they may sound similar.

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What language is Khmer similar to?

Is Vietnamese and Khmer similar?

Very different, although they are related. Both belong to the same language family, although in different branches. Both Vietnamese and Khmer are Austro-Asiatic languages. Other languages belonging to this family are Mon, Wa and Palaung, for instance.