
What would happen if you were falling forever?

What would happen if you were falling forever?

If you were falling straight dowm in a gravitational field you’d accelerate forever. If you were moving fast enough in a direction perpendicular to the direction of gravity, and assuming your gravity source is a finite mass, you’d be in orbit.

What would happen if you fell into a bottomless pit?

Once you reach terminal velocity you aren’t going to get any faster. If the pit were bottomless and you weren’t hitting anything on the way down, and the air, temperature and pressure were constant all the way through, then you would die of thirst. You need water to live and without water, you would die.

Can something fall forever?

A thing really can’t fall ”forever”. Falling is a motion powered by the pull of gravity. So in most cases a thing can only fall until it catches up with the source of the gravity acting on it. Closest thing to ”falling forever” would be things in orbit.

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What would happen if you fell through the earth?

What Would Happen if You Fell Through the Earth, and Other Burning Questions. Of course, falling all the way through the Earth is impossible, since its core is molten. As you approached the center of the earth the pull of gravity would decline and eventually (at the center) cease, but inertia would keep you going.

Can you fall through the Earth?

The acceleration of gravity is 9.8m/s2 and the radius of the Earth is 6.378 million meters. This means that you would fall through the entire Earth in only 42 minutes!

Can bottomless pits exist?

Despite recurring outlandish claims, these turn out to be nothing more than urban legends, or hoaxes, upon closer inspection. It’s true that there are plenty of deep holes that exist, but none are truly bottomless. In reality, even the deepest ones have never penetrated all the way down below the Earth’s crust.

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What would happen if you fell into cement?

Cement, primarily wet cement, is caustic and will leave bad burns on your body. Leaving it to dry on your skin will make it that much worse. You’ll usually experience blistering and peeling of the skin that’ll result in bleeding.

What happens if you throw a rock in space?

Yes, it will eventually stop, because gravity does not cease to exist in space, as derived by the formula for gravity, which employs two values, the Mass of the object and the Distance of the measurable object from another object.

What happens if I throw a ball in space?

If one throws it in the direction of motion, it will speed up and go further out, causing the orbital period to lengthen. It would be at the same spot later then the station. Throwing the opposite direction will cause it to slow down, lowering it’s orbital period, and the ball will arrive first at the spot.

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Can you dig a hole to China?

To dig to China, you’d need to start your journey from Chile or Argentina — the location of China’s antipode (or opposite point on Earth). You would need a super-powered drill to get through rock and metal within Earth’s three layers.