What is rarest personality type?

What is rarest personality type?

INFJ personality type
Of the 16 possible outcomes, the INFJ personality type — which stands for introversion, intuition, feeling, and judging — is the rarest, accounting for only 1.5\% of the population, according to data from the Myers & Briggs Foundation.

What MBTI is Jungkook?

According to Jungkook, he was an INFP. This type is often quiet and reserved. INFPs are also big picture thinkers and rely on their intuition to make decisions. Additionally, they can be spontaneous and like to go with the flow instead of planning everything out.

What are the types of MBTI?

Four of these eight preferences (E or I, S or N, T or F, J or P) make up a person’s MBTI ® type, also called psychological or personality type. As you act on your type preferences, you create a unique approach to the world, to information, to decisions, and to other people.

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What is the difference between sensing and intuition in MBTI?

Sensing and intuition in MBTI types are psychological preferences about how we assimilate information from our environment. Sensing types emphasize information derived from our five senses. Intuiting types focus on patterns and possibilities, looking for meaning in the patterns or models they discover.

Is the MBTI based on Myers-Briggs theory?

From this original idea, Myers and Briggs outlined their own theory of psychological type, and this is what the MBTI is based on. Here’s a simple explanation of this typing from Wikipedia:

Do you stick with your MBTI test results?

Even though the test is flawed and makes you get different test results every time you retake it. I have experienced that many people stick with their MBTI test result (because they paid for it so it must be correct), then go on online communities with zero knowledge about MBTI or cognitive functions.