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What are the physical features of Eastern Europe?

What are the physical features of Eastern Europe?

The Ural Mountains, Ural River, and the Caucasus Mountains are the geographical land border of the eastern edge of Europe. E.g. Kazakhstan, which is mainly located in Central Asia with the most western parts of it located west of the Ural River also shares a part of Eastern Europe.

What does it mean to be European descent?

: a person born, raised, or living in Europe also : a native or resident of the continent of Europe rather than Britain. : a person who is descended from Europeans.

What do Eastern European girls look like?

In an Eastern European city, all of the girls will look a bit similar – which can get boring pretty quickly. For instance, in Kiev, 99\% of the girls have tiny itty-bitty breasts. If you want a chest heavy girl, you’re completely out of luck.

Are Eastern European Girls attracted to American accents?

So yes, Eastern European girls will respond well to an American accent, but that’s not necessarily a different reaction than anywhere else. Is it easier to get laid in Eastern Europe… or the USA? It all depends! You would think Eastern Europe was easier to get laid in, but it’s actually much more complicated than that.

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What is the difference between Eastern European and American beauty standards?

Freakish body proportions, like big breasts, is more common in the U.S. So whereas in an Eastern European city, all the girls tend to look like sister clones, heavily weighted toward an average homogenous look, in the U.S. you’ll find a lot more freakish-hot genetic outliers.

How do Eastern European girls keep their weight off?

Eastern European girls often eat local veggies- not out of choice, out of economic necessity. Also, most girls can’t afford their own car, so they walk everywhere. This also keeps their weight off to some degree. In the United States, even a girl making minimum wage could still afford to pig out DAILY on crap food.