
How do you find the integer solution?

How do you find the integer solution?

Let a,b∈Z with a≠0.

  1. If a divides b, then the equation ax=b has exactly one solution that is an integer.
  2. If a does not divide b, then the equation ax=b has no solution that is an integer.

What is the sum of positive integers p for which the value of 13 p2 3 is a positive integer?

13/(p^2-3) to be a positive integer p^2 – 3 must be a (positive) factor of 13. Since we need the sum of only positive value of p, then the sum is 2 + 4 = 6. Answer: D.

How do you justify a solution?

To justify a solution, students will need to be able to use appropriate mathematical language to give reasons for the particular approach used to solve a problem. Any time that a student produces a ‘solution’ in an attempt to solve a problem, that ‘solution’ needs to be justified.

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What is integer solution for a linear equation?

The notion of “general integer solution” of a linear equation with two unknowns is extended to linear equations with n unknowns and then, to linear systems. The properties of the general integer solution are determined (both of a linear equation and of a linear system).

What are the possible values of remainder r when a positive integer is divided by 3?

The values of remainder r when a positive integer a is divided by 3 are 0 and 1 only.

What are the two consecutive even integers whose squares have sum 340?

∴ The two consecutive even integers are 12 and 14.

How do you write a justification statement?

How to Write a Justification Narrative

  1. State Your Claim. A strong justification narrative begins with a brief statement of your claim, which will be the focus of your piece.
  2. Establish Reasons. Once you state your claim, begin providing the reasoning.
  3. Provide Support.
  4. Discuss Budgetary Issues.

How do you write justification in math?

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justify why each step in the process of solving a linear equation is legal! The justification method shown above is an example of one method….

Steps: Justification (Reasons):
x(3 + 5) – 6 = 9x – 24 Distributive Property in reverse
x(8) – 6 = 9x – 24 Addition
8x – 6 = 9x – 24 Commutative Property of Addition

How do you solve linear congruence?

Generally, a linear congruence is a problem of finding an integer x that satisfies the equation ax = b (mod m). Thus, a linear congruence is a congruence in the form of ax = b (mod m), where x is an unknown integer. In a linear congruence where x0 is the solution, all the integers x1 are x1 = x0 (mod m).

What are the value of remainder r when a positive integer?