Useful tips

What are strong powerful words?

What are strong powerful words?

The Massive 401+ List of Power Words

Happiness Indulgence Gravity
Genius Discover Awe-Inspiring
Memorable Extraordinary Beautiful
Undeniable Hack Breathtaking
Unforgettable Latest Dazzling

What is a word for make stronger?

fortify, bolster, make stronger, give strength to, give a boost to, boost, reinforce, harden, stiffen, toughen, steel, cement.

What are some words for strength?

Synonyms & Antonyms of strength

  • energy,
  • firepower,
  • force,
  • horsepower,
  • might,
  • muscle,
  • potence,
  • potency,

What are power phrases?

A “power phrase” is a short, three-word phrase that you can anchor on and repeat to yourself both throughout the day and in times of stress and nervousness. It’s a form of affirmation in that it allows us to vocalize and manifest qualities that are important to us, and that we want to internalize.

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What is this word stronger?

adj, stronger (ˈstrɒŋɡə) or strongest (ˈstrɒŋɡɪst) 1. involving or possessing physical or mental strength. 2. solid or robust in construction; not easily broken or injured.

What’s another word for make better?

What is another word for make better?

cure palliate
relieve heal
alleviate treat
remedy improve
ameliorate doctor

What is a word for inner strength?

stamina. infirmity. 3’she’d always prided herself on her inner strength’ fortitude, resilience, backbone, spirit, strength of character, toughness of spirit, firmness, steadfastness, strong-mindedness, stoicism. courage, bravery, pluck, pluckiness, courageousness, braveness.

What is a word for strength or power?

What is another word for strength?

might muscle
firmness forcefulness
horsepower mightiness
potence potency
puissance stability

What is the most powerful word in the universe?

The Greek word, ‘Agape,’ is heart transforming and, when applied, word empowering. It has the power to resurrect, to create, to transform, to forgive and to remove obstacles.

What are the most powerful words in English?

‘The’ tops the league tables of most frequently used words in English, accounting for 5\% of every 100 words used. “’The’ really is miles above everything else,” says Jonathan Culpeper, professor of linguistics at Lancaster University.

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What are some positive phrases?

9 Powerful Phrases Super Positive People Always Say

  • I admire you. Super positive people are appreciative.
  • You can do it. Super positive people are supportive.
  • I value you. Super positive people are caring.
  • You can count on me. Super positive people are collaborative.
  • I believe in you.
  • You are kind.
  • I trust you.
  • You are smart.

What is the meaning of stronger?

The definition of strong refers to someone or something who can exert a lot of power or force, or is the ability to do a task very well. An example of strong is someone who can lift 200 pounds. An example of strong is a wind that knocks over trees.

Is stronger an adjective?

Strong adjectives. Strong or extreme adjectives are adjectives which are used instead of using very + a normal adjective. Strong adjectives are more expressive than normal adjectives and are used with adverbs like really or absolutely.

What is another word for “very strong”?

What is another word for very strong? Adjective. Overpowering, staggering, or irresistibly strong. overwhelming. intense. irresistible. overpowering. compelling. extreme.