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Did the US support the coup attempt in Turkey?

Did the US support the coup attempt in Turkey?

On 29 July 2016, the commander of U.S. Central Command, General Joseph Votel, denied statements by Turkey’s president Erdoğan that he has supported the coup attempt in Turkey. On 1 August 2016, United States Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, General Joseph Dunford, visited Turkey and condemned the coup attempt.

Is there a coup attempt plot in Turkey’s borders?

Image showing a coup attempt plot in Turkey’s borders. Three-month state of emergency announced by President Erdoğan, effective by 21 July repeatedly extended and ended on 19 July 2018.

Was John F Campbell the ‘mastermind’ behind the Turkish coup attempt?

Yeni Şafak daily, a Turkish pro-government newspaper, claimed that the former commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, now-retired United States Army General John F. Campbell, was the “mastermind” behind the coup attempt in Turkey.

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What led to the 2013 corruption scandal in Turkey?

In 2013, law enforcement efforts to fight corruption, which had led to the 2013 corruption scandal in Turkey, were faulted by Erdoğan. The anti-corruption efforts were a source of tension between the Gülenists and the AKP. In political analysis in the months prior to the coup attempt, the incidence of corruption was reported to be “rife” in Turkey.

Did Kemalist ideology play a role in the 2016 Turkish coup attempt?

It is widely reported that Kemalist ideology played little or no role in motivating the 15 July 2016 coup attempt, unlike all previous political interventions in the history of Turkey’s military coups.

What’s happening in Turkey?

Bridges over the Bosphorus strait in Istanbul were blocked by troops late evening local time on Friday. Fighter jets and helicopters were seen flying over the Turkish capital, Ankara, and gunshots heard. Soon after, Prime Minister Binali Yildirim announced that an attempt to overthrow the government was under way.