Useful tips

How do INFJ deal with trauma?

How do INFJ deal with trauma?

The best way for the INFJ to cope with their trauma is to take note of it, and to stop drawing towards people who allow them to abandon their own needs. Their fear of abandonment is likely to become worse because of this trauma, and so the idea of sharing it with someone is frightening.

Do all INFJs have trauma?

No. I think your personality is your personality and trauma is trauma. Plenty of people with traumatic childhoods who don’t get INFJ results and plenty of INFJ’s who didn’t have traumatic childhoods.

How do you comfort an INFJ?

The INFJ. When you’re feeling especially down, you find comfort in getting some time to yourself in a peaceful, quiet environment. Being able to wrap up in a blanket and listen to a favorite song or read a favorite book can be calming for you. It can also be helpful to take care of yourself physically.

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What are the effects of mental abuse?

Emotional and psychological abuse can have severe short- and long-term effects. This type of abuse can affect both your physical and your mental health. You may experience feelings of confusion, anxiety, shame, guilt, frequent crying, over-compliance, powerlessness, and more.

Can INFJs be nostalgic?

INFJs are generally not nostalgic people, simply because they are more focused on the future. INFJs can become distracted from the present as well, letting their mind wander to far off places. INFJs have brief moments of nostalgia, especially if there were times in their past where they felt truly happy.

How do INFJs stay calm?

10 Solutions for the Stressed INFJ:

  1. Reduce Sensory Stimulation.
  2. Get Some Time Alone.
  3. Say No to Non-Essential Responsibilities.
  4. Spend Time in Nature.
  5. Exercise.
  6. Journal.
  7. Get Less Serious.
  8. Find a Healthy Sensory Hobby.

Are INFJs revengeful?

INFJs are considerate and warm people, who try to always do the right thing. While INFJs are very caring people, they also have an occasionally vengeful side to their personality. Once INFJs have found someone to be cruel and have witnessed that person harming someone they love, they can become rather vengeful.