
Is the Netherlands the same as Netherlands Antilles?

Is the Netherlands the same as Netherlands Antilles?

The Netherlands Antilles was an autonomous Caribbean country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It was dissolved on 10 October 2010. Meanwhile Curaçao and Sint Maarten became constituent countries within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, along the lines of Aruba, which separated from the Netherlands Antilles in 1986.

Does the Netherlands Antilles still exist?

The Dutch Caribbean dependency the Netherlands Antilles has ceased to exist with a change of the five islands’ constitutional status. Curacao and St Maarten have become autonomous countries within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, joining Aruba, which gained the status in 1986.

What islands do the Netherlands own?

Constituent countries There are three Caribbean islands that are countries (Dutch: landen ) within the Kingdom of the Netherlands: Aruba, Curaçao, and Sint Maarten. The Netherlands is the fourth and largest constituent country in the Kingdom.

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What language is spoken in Netherlands Antilles?

The official languages are English, Dutch, and Papiamentu, a local Spanish-based creole that includes Portuguese, Dutch, and some African words. Papiamentu is widely used in the southern islands and is taught in elementary schools.

Which continent is Netherlands Antilles?

The Dutch colony of Surinam, although it was relatively close by on the continent of South America, did not become part of the Netherlands Antilles but became a separate autonomous country in 1954….Netherlands Antilles.

Netherlands Antilles Land Nederlandse Antillen (Dutch) Pais Antia Hulandes (Papiamento)
Demonym(s) Netherlands Antillean

Who owns the Netherlands?

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Kingdom of the Netherlands Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (Dutch)
Demonym(s) Dutch
Countries (non‑sovereign parts) Aruba Curaçao Netherlands Sint Maarten
Government Devolved unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
• Monarch Willem-Alexander

What 4 countries make up the Netherlands?

The Kingdom of the Netherlands is made up of 4 countries: Aruba, Curaçao, St Maarten and the Netherlands. The Netherlands includes 3 public bodies located in the Caribbean region: Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba.

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How do you say hello in Papiamento?


  1. Good morning: Bon dia.
  2. Good afternoon: Bon tardi.
  3. Good evening: Bon nochi.
  4. How are you: Con ta bai.
  5. I’m very good: Hopi bon.
  6. I’m fine: Mi ta bon.
  7. Pleased to meet you: Contento di mira bo.
  8. Goodbye: Ayo.

Where did the name Antilles come from?

History of Antilles The name originates from Portuguese ante-ilhas. The word means the previous island. The form we use today is derived from Antillia, a Latin word, and means the ghost island in the west of Spain.

Is Netherlands Antilles in Europe?

The Netherlands Antilles were not part of the European Union, but instead listed as overseas countries and territories (OCTs). This status was kept for all the islands after dissolution, and will be kept until at least 2015.