How is German and French different?

How is German and French different?

While German is a Germanic language, French is an Italic language. What both languages have in common is that they originally derived from the same proto language (Indo-European languages), but they split off around 1,000 BC, so German and French have had more than 3,000 years to “drift apart”.

How did the French feel about the Germans?

“These days a lot of French are jealous of Germany’s economic success,” she added. Sixteen-year-old Salim Chaabane said: “We see Germany as the strongest country in Europe. They are powerful economically but their language is horrible.” “The French don’t have any problems with the Germans,” said Romain Delpouve.

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Why did the French lose to the Germans?

France suffered a humiliating defeat and was quickly occupied by Germany. Its failure was a result of a hopelessly divided French political elite, a lack of quality military leadership, rudimentary French military tactics.

Why is German so different?

Why is German so different than most other languages? German is conservative, and retains the capitalisation of all nouns which other Germanic languages dropped a log time ago. This makes written German look a little unusual compared to Dutch, Danish, English, and so on.

Are Germany and France friends?

France is Germany’s closest and most important partner in Europe. Since January 2020 they have been supported by the Franco-German Cross-Border Cooperation Committee. The Élysée Treaty, signed by President de Gaulle and Federal Chancellor Adenauer on 22 January 1963, laid the foundations for this close cooperation.

Did France fight for Germany in WW2?

From 1939 until 1940, the French Third Republic was at war with Germany. The period from 1940 until 1945 saw competition between Vichy France and the Free French Forces under General Charles de Gaulle for control of the overseas empire.

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How do the German and Dutch and French people relate to each other?

To conclude, it is necessary to concentrate on the relationships of the German, Dutch, and French people which are influenced by the cultural peculiarities. Therefore, Germans focus on distinction between business and personal relations, the concept of formality is significant for them, and they concentrate on the aspect gender equality.

What is the difference between the French and Alemannian German?

Alemannian German is still spoken in various parts of Germany and also abroad e.g. in Switzerland etc. The French language however remains distinct among the Romance languages which is due to Germanic influence from the Franks and Normans. I read somewhere that: French is what happens when Germans learn Latin.

How does French culture differ from other countries?

In its turn, the French culture can be characterized by more differences than similarities in comparison with the cultures of the Netherlands and Germany. The cultures of three countries depend on the oral traditions and folktales.

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Do the citizens of Germany and the Netherlands speak the same language?

The citizens of Germany, the Netherlands, and France speak different languages, but the German and Dutch languages have the similar roots when French is of the Roman origin (“Countries and Their Cultures”).