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Is there a difference between French spoken in Canada and France?

Is there a difference between French spoken in Canada and France?

The two main differences between Metropolitan French and Canadian French are pronunciation and vocabulary. French in Canada differs from French in France because of its history and geographic location. In both France and Canada, French has evolved and changed since the early modern period.

Can French Canadians understand France French?

French from France and Canada are very much intelligible when speakers are aware of their differences.

Are Canadian French and France French mutually intelligible?

Quebec French was shown to be at least 93\% intelligible with standard European French. Some travelling Québécois choose to register or modify their accent in order to be more easily understood.

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Why is Quebec French different from France French?

Canadian French contains several 17th-century pronunciations, resulting in a noticeably different accent than other Francophones (French speakers). Another difference in Québécois pronunciation is their pronunciation of “Un” (the). In Québec, “un” is still pronounced which is not the case in France.

Can French speakers understand Quebec French?

European French speakers, for their part, will probably understand formal spoken Québécois, but may get confused with informal spoken Québécois. The reason for this is that informal Québec French uses idioms, words, cultural references, and expressions that are unfamiliar to those who speak Metropolitan French.

Why is French spoken in Canada?

Canada’s two colonizing peoples are the French and the British. They controlled land and built colonies alongside Indigenous peoples, who had been living there for millennia. They had two different languages and cultures. The French spoke French, practiced Catholicism, and had their own legal system (civil law).

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How different is Quebec French from France French?

Vowels are where the most noticeable differences between Metropolitan French and Québec French can be found. When spoken in Québec French, the vowels, with nasal intonation, are even more nasalized. Although the “un” sound is no longer used in Metropolitan French, it is still very much in use in spoken Québec French.

Can French people understand Québec?

Yes they can. Many French claim that Quebecois French is too accented for understanding, but I spoke only Quebecois throughout France and never had any issues.

How can I enjoy the French language in Canada and France?

The best way to enjoy the spoken language of both France and Canada is to have a conversation including a French speaker from each place.

What is it like to understand spoken French?

Understanding spoken French… It’s not something you can study or work hard at. It just happens…eventually. At first, you watch the words flying around you. But they’re not really words yet. Just sounds. Sounds that don’t make any sense (even if you’ve spent years studying French like me).

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Why does Canadian French sound older than French?

Canadian French may sound older in some ways, but it also uses more Anglicisms than standard French. Anglicisms are words and phrases taken from English. These may be English words adopted without alteration, English words given a French spelling or French suffix, or English phrases and idioms directly translated into French.

What is the difference between French in Canada and French in France?

French in Canada differs from French in France because of its history and geographic location. Think of French Canadians as French people who have been in North America for a few hundred years.