
Why do the people in Belgium speak French?

Why do the people in Belgium speak French?

Simply said, the divide was a result of the Walloon region in the South of modern-day Belgium being run by the Gauls during the Roman Empire while the Flanders Region in the North was being infiltrated by Gothic Germans. French immediately became the official language in Belgium which upset the Flemish Speakers.

When did Belgium start speaking French?

In 1830, the Belgians had enough of the Dutch king Willem I and his malarky, and declared themselves independent. The inhabitants of Wallonia, the region that is called ‘Wallonie’, speak French.

Why do they speak French in Brussels?

The many immigrants, most of whom originated from Flanders, were forced to speak French if they wanted to climb the social ladder. This caused the Frenchification of Brussels to continue at a rapid pace.

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Is French commonly spoken in Belgium?

French is one of the three official languages of Belgium alongside Dutch and German. It is spoken natively by around 45\% of the population, primarily in the southern region of Wallonia and the Brussels-Capital Region.

Is Belgium in French masculine or feminine?

The general rule is that country names that end in silent “e” are feminine. Hence, the feminine country names la France (France), la Belgique (Belgium), l’Allemagne (Germany), l’Algérie (Algeria), la Chine (China), la Guyane (Guiana), la Russie (Russia), la Corée (Korea).

Why do Belgium speak French and Dutch?

Belgium’s famous Dutch-versus-French language divide was established in the Middle Ages when Roman Emperor Charlemagne was forced to divide his kingdom between his three grandsons. The divide created fluctuating friction between Dutch-speaking Flanders and French-speaking Wallonia and it continues to this day.

Does Belgium speak Flemish?

Belgium has three official languages, Dutch, French and German, but the country itself is neither bilingual nor trilingual. The official language of the Flemish Region is Dutch, while the institutions in the Walloon Region (minus the German-speaking Community) speak French.

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What is Belgium called in France?


Kingdom of Belgium Koninkrijk België (Dutch) Royaume de Belgique (French) Königreich Belgien (German)
Anthem: “La Brabançonne” (English: “The Brabantian” ) Menu 0:00
Location of Belgium (dark green) – in Europe (green & dark grey) – in the European Union (green)
Capital and largest city Brussels 50°51′N 4°21′E

Can I live in Belgium speaking English?

Belgium has three official languages – English, Dutch, and French. English, however, is not the primary language they speak in the country. But even if it is not, a large percentage of the population speaks English. As such, you can speak the language in many situations all over Belgium.