
Is all of Kamino destroyed?

Is all of Kamino destroyed?

Star Wars fans did know that Kamino became obsolete after Admiral Tarkin and the Empire diverted away from a clone army to one of Empire loyalists, but the destruction of Kamino was never confirmed.

What happened to all of Jango Fett’s clones?

Jango Fett’s clones were decommissioned shortly after the proclamation of the Galactic Empire, replaced as stormtroopers by natural-born recruits during the early Imperial Era.

Why did the Empire destroy Kamino?

Years later, Darth Vader touched down on the planet to use the system’s cloning technology for his personal gain. The resulting Battle of Kamino between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance caused mass destruction on the ground and above the planet, and a tidal wave destroyed the city and the cloning operation within it.

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What happened to the cloners?

We met the clones who were grown and developed through an accelerated aging process on Kamino in Attack of the Clones and saw them go to battle with the Jedi. After Order 66, the clones perished and were eventually replaced by stormtroopers that the Empire recruited from around the galaxy.

Who erased Kamino from the archives?

To ensure that it stayed a secret, Dooku erased all records of the planet Kamino from the Jedi Archives, along with thirty-seven additional systems, including Dagobah and Dromund, that Sidious had judged to be of potential value to the Sith—this all being done after having publicly renounced and left the Jedi Order.

What happened to Rako Hardeen?

Hardeen’s clothing and equipment was taken by Obi-Wan Kenobi when the Jedi Master impersonated Hardeen, and was subsequently confiscated when “Hardeen” was arrested by Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano and sent to the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center.

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Who destroyed Kamino?

The season finale of The Bad Batch, “Kamino Lost”, picks up just as Darth Sidious and the Empire are completing their stranglehold across the galaxy. Unfortunately, in this episode, it is revealed that, with the clone trooper program being shut down after the war, the Empire no longer saw Kamino as a necessary asset.

Why was Tipoca city destroyed?

The intense barrage of turbolaser fire quickly laid waste to the complex, tearing into its dome structures, shattering walkways and platforms and eventually destroying several of the stilts holding it up, causing the burning ruins of Tipoca City to sink into Kamino’s raging oceans with Clone Force 99 still trapped …

How did Jango Fett make his clones so docile?

During the final years of the Galactic Republic, an army of clone troopers was grown on the planet Kamino. Using the human Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett as a template, the Kaminoans tampered with Fett’s genetic structure to make his clones more docile.

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How did the Kaminoans make the Clones so docile?

Using the human Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett as a template, the Kaminoans tampered with Fett’s genetic structure to make his clones more docile. In addition, they were designed to grow at twice the rate of normal human aging, making the clone troopers ready for deployment in a decade’s time.

What happened to the Kaminoans after the war?

The Kaminoan leadership themselves were destroyed when their escape transports were shot down as they attempted to flee. Before the battle’s end, Fett extracted a sample of the Jango Fett DNA and delivered it to his Imperial clients.

Where is the clone army located in Kamino?

The clone army was developed in Tipoca City and other cloning facilities throughout Kamino. Though not the only practitioners of cloning in the galaxy, the Kaminoan government turned its mass production of clones into a large-scale commercial enterprise.