What are some major events in Indonesia history?

What are some major events in Indonesia history?

INDONESIA A Military Timeline

  • 1942-1944. Japanese Invasion and Occupation.
  • 1945-1949. Independence from the Dutch.
  • 1950-1955. Sukarno’s Early Rule.
  • 1956-1965. Sukarno and ‘Guided Democracy’
  • 1965-1974. Suharto and the ‘New Order’
  • 1975-1976. Annexation of East Timor.
  • 1976-1990. Repression and the Oil Boom.
  • 1991-1997.

When did the Indonesia’s history reach its peak?

At its peak in the first half of the 17th century, the Sultanate lasted from 1526 to 1813 AD.

What are the key events in Indonesia?

2017 June – Islamic State group has spread to almost every province of the country, according to military chief General Gatot Nurmantyo. 2018 May – Spate of bombings in the second city of Surabaya, carried out by families of suicide bombers, including their children.

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What major events happened in Indonesia in 2004?

2004 October – Former general Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono wins second round of presidential elections, unseating Megawati Sukarnoputri. 2004 December – More than 220,000 people are dead or missing in Indonesia alone after a powerful undersea earthquake off Sumatra generates massive tidal waves.

What is the history of Indonesia’s independence?

1928 – A youth conference pledges to work for “one nation, one language, one people” for Indonesia. 1942 – Japan invades Dutch East Indies. 1945 – After Japanese surrender, nationalist leader Sukarno returns from internal exile and declares independence. 1949 – The Dutch recognise Indonesian independence after four years of guerrilla warfare.

What happened in the Dutch East Indies in history?

1670-1900 – Dutch colonists bring the whole of what is now Indonesia under one government as the Dutch East Indies. 1883 – Volcanic eruption of Krakatoa (Krakatau) island causes devastating tsunami. 1928 – A youth conference pledges to work for “one nation, one language, one people” for Indonesia. 1942 – Japan invades Dutch East Indies.