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Which metals will not liberate hydrogen gas when treated with dilute hydrochloric acid?

Which metals will not liberate hydrogen gas when treated with dilute hydrochloric acid?

Zinc liberates hydrogen gas when reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid, whereas copper does not.

Which of the following metals does not liberate hydrogen when it react with dilute acids?

Copper will not liberate Hydrogen gas.

Which metals do not liberate gas on reaction with acids?

Copper (Cu) cannot liberate H2 from acids.

Which of the following metals fails to evolve hydrogen gas with HCL?

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Which metal fails to evolve hydrogen gas with dil. HCL? Correct answer is ‘Copper’.

Which metal does not liberate hydrogen?

Copper is less active than Hydrogen and so it cannot replace it from acids and so it cannot liberate hydrogen with dilute acids. Hence the correct option is Cu.

Which of the following will not liberate hydrogen?

Copper (Cu) cannot liberate H2 from dilute hydrochloric acid because it is below hydrogen in the electrochemical series.

Which metals Cannot liberate H2?

Which element does not liberate H2 gas?

Here o only Cu has +ve red pot.. So it cant liberate H2. Copper (Cu) does not liberate H2 from dilute sulphuric acid because its reduction potential is higher (+0.34) than that for the reaction () for which the reduction potential is Zero.

Do all non metals liberate hydrogen gas from dilute acids?

The reaction of metals with dilute acids liberating hydrogen gas is very well known. However, the corresponding reaction between non-metals and dilute acids liberating hydrogen gas is not known. Thus, non-metals do not liberate hydrogen gas from dilute acids.

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Which of the following metals can liberate hydrogen on reacting with dilute hydrochloric acid?

Answer: Zinc liberates hydrogen gas when reacted with dilute hydrochloric acid, whereas copper.

Which of the following metals does not liberate H2 from dilute H2SO4?

Explanation: Cu is below hydrogen in the electrochemical series, so it cannot liberate H2 from dilute H2SO4.

Which of the following metal Cannot produce hydrogen gas with dilute H2SO4?

The correct option is b) copper. Copper does not reacts with dilute sulphuric acid, liberating hydrogen because copper is lower in the electromotive series than hydrogen.

Which of the following metals does not liberate hydrogen from acids?

Which of the following metals does not liberate hydrogen from acids? Copper, silver, gold and platinum being less reactive than hydrogen cannot displace hydrogen from acids. Metals that are more reactive than hydrogen can displace hydrogen from acids. These metals include sodium, potassium, lead and zinc.

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How do metals react with hydrochloric acid?

Metals to the left of hydrogen in the series lose electrons when they ionize, whereas those to the right, which do not react with hydrochloric acid, gain electrons when they ionize. When added to hydrochloric acid, the metals that lose electrons are able to produce hydrogen gas and a chloride solution.

What happens when Dil acids are added to metals?

Any metal having higher standard oxidation potential (+0.76 V) than that of hydrogen (0.00 V) can produce H2 gas when reacts with dil acids like HCl, H2SO4 etc. In the reaction process metal will be oxidized by loosing electron (s) and H+ ions will be reduced to hydrogen gas by accepting electrons.

Can copper be used to liberate hydrogen gas?

Expert Answer: Copper will not liberate Hydrogen gas. Answered by | 17th Dec, 2015, 05:09: PM