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Is 1000 lines of code a lot?

Is 1000 lines of code a lot?

1000 lines is not much, maybe a few days. Lines do not mean much in programming, sometimes I write a few lines after debugging for hours, sometimes the code is improved by removing lines, sometimes a lot of lines appear without adding anything substantial.

Is 300 lines of code a lot?

Much, much less. 300 lines of code means that the person isn’t even writing a line of code a minute. Maybe in an environment where it’s really difficult to understand what’s going on, and you have to tread very carefully…

How much do developers actually code?

Software developers spend 22\% of their time just doing code maintenance. They also spend a higher percentage of their time writing new code or improving existing code (39\%) and a much lower percentage of their time on operational tasks and in meetings (14\%).

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How much code do programmers write in a day?

Studies have shown that the average programmer in a production environment puts out about 10 lines of code per day.

How many lines of code is Python?

Not a fair question, python is the least verbose of all the languages. Probably less than 100,000. In production settings it is really difficult to determine this as you write binaries that generate code for you, and you generally bounce between environments, shells and languages.

How many millions of lines of code does it take?

The Android operating system runs on 12-15 million lines. The Large Hadron Collider uses 50 million lines. Not including backend code, Facebook runs on 62 million lines of code.

What is the biggest program ever written?

Well, the largest program ever written would be from the Human Genome Project: This is an open source project aimed at figuring out the sequence of human DNA. The software for analyzing the human genome and map the nucleotide base pairs of DNA took 3300 billion lines of code.

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How long is Minecrafts code?

Depending on how you count (whether or not you count blank lines and such), Minecraft: Java Edition has between 160 thousand and 600 thousand lines of code. The splash screen talking about billions of lines of code is a joke. I believe it is a reference to a TV show or movie. , Too many hours spent on code.

How do I use the fetch() method in JavaScript?

The fetch () method is modern and versatile, so we’ll start with it. It’s not supported by old browsers (can be polyfilled), but very well supported among the modern ones. The basic syntax is: let promise = fetch(url, [ options])

What are the different methods of fetching data?

Fetch options so far: 1 method – HTTP-method, 2 headers – an object with request headers (not any header is allowed), 3 body – the data to send (request body) as string, FormData, BufferSource, Blob or UrlSearchParams object. More

How many await calls are there in a fetch request?

A typical fetch request consists of two await calls: let response = await fetch(url, options); // resolves with response headers let result = await response.json(); // read body as json

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What is the basic syntax for fetching from a URL?

The basic syntax is: let promise = fetch(url, [ options]) url – the URL to access. options – optional parameters: method, headers etc.