
Does my sister or do my sister?

Does my sister or do my sister?

Do is plural. Does is singular. So, use does. Does your sister..

Is her sister grammatically correct?

It can be also said she is her sister if she has any sister along with her at the time of introduction. Both are grammatically correct. Both sentences are grammatically correct first one if suppose you are talking about her brother then you can use she is his sister.

How can I write to my sister?

Maybe my sister is not the funniest, the greatest, or not the perfect, but she is the one whom I can blindly trust. She is the one who can easily make me laugh. She is the one who can effortlessly make me feel great. And that’s one of the many reasons why every sister has been really important in our life.

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How can I use sister?

  1. [S] [T] Are you sisters? ( CK)
  2. [S] [T] She’s my sister. ( CK)
  3. [S] [T] They’re sisters. ( CK)
  4. [S] [T] I hate my sister. ( Hybrid)
  5. [S] [T] That’s my sister. ( CK)
  6. [S] [T] Ann has no sister. ( Eldad)
  7. [S] [T] How’s your sister? ( CK)
  8. [S] [T] I have no sisters. ( CK)

Which is correct my sisters and me or my sisters?

The relevant difference between the phrases is that the linking verb redefines the subject “people” as “my sister and I” (all nominative case), whereas the transitive verb connects the subject “He” to the object “me and my sister.”

Is she your sister correct sentence?

No. In each case the correct pronoun is “she.” Using “it” to refer to a person who’s present at the moment of speaking would be rude, I think. The only way the word “it” can work is if you are insisting that your sister is not a human being but is instead an inanimate thing.

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How do you answer this is your sister?

If the asker is referring to your actual sister, then the usual response would be “Yes, she is.” If the asker is referring to a photograph of your sister, then it is not uncommon to for someone to respond “Yes, it is.”

Is it correct to say ‘I and my sister’ instead of ‘I’?

However to say “I and my sister” is incorrect as you are using the wrong “person” tense, “me and my sister” is also wrong, you could scrape by using “myself and my sister” although to be grammatically correct it should be “My sister and I”. “I” indicates yourself as “active” i.e. a subject pronoun, I read, I run, I walk, I think therefore I am.

How do you say I am going to school with my sister?

You would say “I am going to school” however, to include your sister in the sentence you would say either “I am going to school with my sister” – which is logical, grammatically correct and understandable, also use of I in the first person tense is acceptable in this instance, or My sister and I are going to school.

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Is “Me and my sister like ice cream” correct or wrong?

“me likes ice-cream” is incorrect. Therefore, “me and my sister like ice-cream” is incorrect. Perhaps if you understand why one wording is incorrect, you will remember it better than if you simply wrote memorize, “me and my sister” is wrong. If you give a man a fish, then you feed him for a day.

Is there a free grammatically correct sentence checker?

Also, free grammatically correct sentence checker will allow you to detect these grammar errors at no time and find out how to fix them at once. Many people rely on the checker provided by Microsoft Word, but this program is notoriously unreliable in catching all mistakes and is known for making suggestions that are simply incorrect.