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What is the benefit of war?

What is the benefit of war?

Put simpley: War can provide jobs. Socially, speaking there are some potential benefits to war. War can liberate oppressed peoples. War can remove oppressive regimes from power and/or tyrants.

How does war benefit a country?

Heightened military spending during conflict does create employment, additional economic activity and contributes to the development of new technologies which can then filter through into other industries. One of the most commonly cited benefits for the economy is higher GDP growth.

How has war benefited society?

In increasing the power of governments, war has also brought progress and change, much of which we would see as beneficial: an end to private armies, greater law and order, in modern times more democracy, social benefits, improved education, changes in the position of women or labor, advances in medicine, science and …

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How do countries make money from war?

A Country does not profit from war but a handful of individuals and they do so by providing things that are needed to wage war. Down through history these people have often provided the funds and/or war goods to wage war to countries. A good example is Shell Oil.

What are the effects of war to the people?

Death, injury, sexual violence, malnutrition, illness, and disability are some of the most threatening physical consequences of war, while post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety are some of the emotional effects.

What industries benefit from war?

These are the companies profiting the most from war:

  • General Dynamics. > Arm sales 2012: $20.9 billion. > Total sales 2012: $31.5 billion.
  • Raytheon. > Arm sales 2012: $22.5 billion.
  • BAE Systems. > Arm sales 2012: $26.9 billion.
  • Boeing. > Arm sales 2012: $27.6 billion.
  • Lockheed Martin. > Arm sales 2012: $36 billion.
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Why do wars make money?

War is incredibly expensive to conduct, so a war economy is a robust economy. Soldiers need, clothes, food, weapons, vehicles medicine,fuel and all those things that a person needs, a soldier needs in addition to the trappings of war. So big business works overtime and profits for those companies soar.

Does war bring money?

Surprising no one, the United States makes more money on war than any other country. Boeing, comparatively, only made 35\% of its money on arms in 2013, but that 35\% was big money: Boeing made $4.5 billion in profits in 2013 just from selling arms and weaponry.

Who profited the most from the Vietnam War?

Lockheed Martin was the global leader with $36 billion in arms sales in 2013, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). These are the companies profiting the most from war. In fact, the top 10 companies tend to change very little.

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What are the economic benefits of war?

Economic benefits of wars. Just briefly war can have potential economic benefits. Full employment. Higher economic growth. Increased rate of innovation as the government invests in new technology, e.g. development of radar/jet engine in Second World War could be used for peaceful purposes. Change in social attitudes.

Why were American soldiers in WWI called Doughboys?

A number of theories have been put forward to explain this usage: Cavalrymen used the term to deride foot soldiers, because the brass buttons on their uniforms looked like the flour dumplings or dough cakes called “doughboys”, or because of the flour or pipe clay which the soldiers used to polish their white belts.

How many lost their lives in WW2?

About 50 million people lost their lives in WW2! The Soviet Union alone lost 20 million in what they call “The Great Patriotic War “. The Nazis executed about 12 million civilians, including 6 million Jews .