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What do you say to someone who hates their birthday?

What do you say to someone who hates their birthday?

Pick a passion of theirs and share it — you’re saying “I get you and I want to join in”

  • Send a “remember that time” memory — you’re saying “We go way back, and we’ve still got more to come”
  • Discover something together — you’re saying “Having you with me makes things more fun”
  • Should you let people know its your birthday?

    There is no social Obligation for you to tell others it is your birthday. I personally avoid telling people when it is my birthday as I don’t like the extra attention. You can always casually mention it that it is your birthday or that your birthday is coming up in conversations.

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    Why are birthdays important to some people?

    Celebrating a person’s birthday is important because it shows the person you’re thinking of them and in turn, they feel valued by you. Wishing someone a happy birthday is an easy way to create a positive experience between you and others. It also helps you build your reputation.

    Is hating your birthday normal?

    Montesi says there are many reasons why someone might not like their birthday; some come down to personality traits, others to personal history and even social pressures. It’s also possible that you’ve always loved your birthdays, but recently you’ve started hating them.

    How do you remind people it’s your birthday?

    You could set your birth date in a social media, because they usually remind people about others’ birthday. Another way, if you’re talking to the person, you could mention you are doing something just because it is your birthday, for example: “I took the day for relaxing today.

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    How you spend your birthday?

    I celebrate my birthday to feel how blessed I am for having a great family and friends. My parents and family make me feel special by celebrating my birthday and giving gifts to me. On every birthday I plan to do something different and something I want to do in my life.

    Should we celebrate birthdays?

    A birthday is a time to celebrate birth itself. It is an expression of thanks to God for being born and still being alive. It is also an occasion to rethink your life. It is a great time to reflect on your past, evaluate your present, and make plans for your future.

    Do birthdays make you feel depressed?

    Plenty of people go all out for their birthdays, staging elaborate parties even as adults, milking each birthday for all it’s worth. For some people, though, birthdays are a source of ambivalence, anxiety, or depression.

    Why do I have a problem with birthdays?

    Birthday Expectations. There’s this unspoken idea surrounding birthdays that they have to big, exciting, EPIC. And this expectation alone can cause birthday nerves and anxiety. The root cause here may be because you’re worried people will forget it’s your birthday or you don’t have a big group of friends to go out and celebrate with.

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    Why do we celebrate birthdays?

    Birthdays can remind us that we are aging another year. It’s the “official” day that we are one year older, even though the day before our birthday we feel virtually the same. And unfortunately, getting older isn’t exactly something to look forward to. A birthday is just another reminder that we’re not getting any younger.

    Why do I feel empty on my birthday?

    Even though these people might have friends over for their birthday, they might feel empty inside because they have fake or toxic friends, and not real ones. People struggling with anxiety. If you have anxiety, you may have fears surrounding the birthday itself.