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Who was Darth Sidious first apprentice?

Who was Darth Sidious first apprentice?

Darth Maul
Darth Maul was the first Sith apprentice of Darth Sidious. Sometime before the Invasion of Naboo, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious was trained by Darth Plagueis. They sought to achieve immortality and control the galaxy as equal rulers of a new Sith Empire.

Is Snoke a Palpatine?

Snoke Was a Strand-Cast Created by Palpatine Emperor Palpatine created Snoke to be his proxy through which he could regain his power. Although Snoke was bio-engineered in a lab on Exegol, he was a strand-cast, not a clone.

Why is Snoke disfigured?

According to The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary (2019), Snoke’s physical appearance was purposefully designed by Palpatine to ensure his species remained unidentifiable. Furthermore, Snoke’s reluctance to meet in person with his First Order underlings helped conceal the fact that he was an artificial being.

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Did Snoke have more than one apprentice?

The individual was first mentioned, albeit indirectly, in Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary that Kylo Ren was Snoke’s most gifted apprentice implying he had trained more than one. The Star Wars: The Last Jedi The Official Movie Companion later confirmed that Snoke had trained at least one other individual.

Who is the apprentice of Darth Vader?

―Darth Sidious, to his apprentice Darth Vader. A Sith apprentice was a Force-sensitive individual trained by a Sith Master to use the dark side of the Force. The age at which a Sith apprentice began their training varied. Darth Maul became apprenticed to Darth Sidious while still a child.

What is a Sith apprentice?

A Sith apprentice was a Force-sensitive individual trained by a Sith Master to use the dark side of the Force. The age at which a Sith apprentice began their training varied.

How did Darth Maul become an apprentice to Darth Sidious?

Darth Maul became apprenticed to Darth Sidious while still a child. Darth Tyranus and Darth Vader, both former members of the Jedi Order, became Sidious’ apprentice, in turn, as adults.