
Why are police cars so slow?

Why are police cars so slow?

The main reason is that they weigh them down with lots of police gear, added electronics, batteries, the usual siren and light stuff, and on and on. The end result is a lot more weight which makes the cars a lot slower than their stock counterparts.

Why do police touch the back of your car when they pull you over?

If the police officer believes they are in a dangerous situation as they pull you over, they may touch the backend of your vehicle on the way to your window to make sure the trunk is latched. It might sound bizarre, but this tactic ensures that no one is hiding in the trunk and could pop out.

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Why do police follow you for so long?

Cops will follow people for a number of reasons, the number one reason being the person(s) are doing or acting suspicious or in such a manner as to attract the cops attention, therefore causing the cops to follow them.

Why don t police use faster cars?

Originally Answered: Why arent cop cars the fastest cars? Because there are safety limits imposed on how fast they can pursue, for their safety and the public’s.

Are cop car windows bulletproof?

No, they do not. It would be cost prohibitive to equip standard police vehicles with bullet proof glass (actually bullet resistant glass would be more accurate).

Do police have a speed limit?

In short, there is no specified maximum speed they can do, it isn’t specific about when they can and can’t exceed the limit (only that “if the observance of that provision [the speed limit] would be likely to hinder the use of the vehicle for the purpose for which it is being used on that occasion”), and the …

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Is it legal for police to speed without their lights on?

Police officers are not ALLOWED to speed when they do not have their lights and sirens active. The thing that would surprise some people, is that we are just as liable for the safety of others when our lights and sirens are activated.

Why do cops put their hands on your car when pulling you over?

Delaware Attorney Ben Schwartz gives some insight into why cops put their hands on the car once they have pulled someone over. It is believed they do this to leave fingerprints in case the driver of the vehicle does something wrong or to harm the officer. Why Do Cops Put Their Hands on Your Car When They Pull You Over?

Do police officers touch your taillight during traffic stops?

Asking a driver for their license and registration is common procedure from police officers during traffic stops. There’s another practice that was once standard across the force but is more of a mystery to the people being pulled over: While approaching a driver’s window, officers will sometimes touch a car’s taillight.

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Why do police officers leave fingerprints on traffic stops?

If something were to happen to the officer during the traffic stop, their interaction with the driver could be traced back to the fingerprints left on the vehicle. This would help other police officers track down a missing member of the force even without video proof of a crime.

What does it mean when a police officer leaves evidence?

Essentially, it is an officer safety thing. It is leaving the evidence in case the person harms the officer and flees the scene. Basically, it is giving police officers in the future the ability to lift prints off that vehicle and trace them back to that officer that pulled the vehicle over.