
Why didnt Vader force choke Palpatine?

Why didnt Vader force choke Palpatine?

In terms of physical strength, he was the superior. So his lifting Palpatine above his head was swift, and took the Emperor by surprise, giving Vader enough time to throw his former master down the shaft, even though it cost him his life. In that moment, it was the only way he could see to save his son.

Why didnt Vader force choke Obi Wan?

3. Obi-wan had his guard down. Not only wouldn’t he seen it coming during his monologue thinking that he won, he was also excessively saddened, pulling him further away from the strength that Jedi pull their power from. These two factors should have made it easier to blindside him with a force choke.

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Can Darth Sidious force choke?

In the Clone Wars, when Palpatine became displeased with Count Dooku, he outright force choked him from half a galaxy away. This is far, far beyond what any other Sith can do. Even Darth Vader could merely force choke someone on the same ship as him, and that was with a regular human.

How did Palpatine punish Vader?

Vader gets the better of them and uses the Force to choke the guards and Amedda, but Palpatine in turn Force chokes Vader, lifting him off the ground, and then uses the Force to crush him as Palpatine hurls taunts at him. Vader is left broken, with his mechanical arm and legs destroyed and gone, and his mask damaged.

Why did the child choke Cara?

He used this power to choke Cara Dune because he believed she was harming Din Djarin, not realizing they were having a friendly arm wrestling match. After the Empire kidnaps him late in the second season, he uses this power to torture a pair of stormtroopers who attempt to apprehend him in his prison cell.

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Was Vader demoted?

After the destruction of THE DEATH STAR, the disgraced Sith Lord, DARTH VADER, was demoted by his Master, Emperor Palpatine. It is now clear to him that no man can be trusted.

What happened to Darth Vader after the Death Star blew up?

The space station was destroyed, but Vader survived, and he flew into the far reaches of space. After the destruction of the Death Star, Darth Vader became obsessed with finding Luke Skywalker. He had dispatched probe droids across the galaxy, finally locating the Rebel base on the remote ice planet Hoth.

Why doesn’t Darth Vader use the force in Star Wars 2?

Out of universe, the reason is that the film hasn’t had any time to set up “the Force” as a thing. If Vader starts force-choking him without an explanation of how, you’d probably assume that the guy had swallowed a peanut.

Why do Star Wars characters use the force choke?

While most have used the Force choke as a means to warn someone, to dominate them, and tell them to follow their orders, others like Darth Maul have used the action to taunt people and to cause them intentional harm. He has also had no qualms in killing someone right after, with a lightsaber, to prove a point.

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Why does Darth Vader want to choke Antilles?

Vader’s trying to get information out of Antilles: the location of the plans. So Antilles needs to not only be choked – he needs to be terrified. Having Vader’s mechanized hands around your neck, and his pneumatic breath in your face, would sure increase that effect. – Nate Eldredge Feb 13 ’16 at 19:09 1 Who is Antilles?

How does Kylo Ren use the force choke?

Luke’s use of the Force choke is also effortless; his intention is only to temporarily incapacitate the guards, not cause them severe harm or kill them. Like his grandfather, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Kylo Ren often used the Force choke to subdue those who annoyed him or those who failed to accomplish their tasks.