
Is there a way to find out who put an offer on a house?

Is there a way to find out who put an offer on a house?

Generally you can not find out who has made offers to buy a house as offers are considered confidential so it would be unethical for an agent to tell you who has made an offer.

Are offers on houses confidential?

Purchase offers generally aren’t confidential. In some cases sellers may make other buyers aware that your offer is in hand, or even disclose details about your offer to another buyer in hope of convincing that buyer to make a “better” offer.

Do sellers see names on offers?

In California, Yes. There is no confidentiality of offers, in fact, the current Residential Purchase Agreement published by the California Association of Realtors specifically states so. To ensure confidentiality, a non-disclosure agreement must be agreed to prior to submitting the offer.

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Can estate agents disclose offers?

Estate Agents can’t legally tell you how much the other offers were for, but they will usually indicate if they were close to the asking price, which can help to inform your own decision.”

Will my Realtor tell me if my offer was accepted?

In a standard sale, two to three days is a reasonable amount of time for buyers to wait to hear if their offer was accepted. “If there are multiple offers, they may not be required to inform you, but out of courtesy, they should at least tell you if they took another offer,” says Welch.

Can you find out how many offers are on a house?

1. Ask the Listing Broker. That’s right! If you want to know about multiple offers, go straight to the horse’s mouth and see if you can get some indication.

Can the buyer contact the seller directly?

Can A Buyer And Seller Communicate Directly? While it is unethical for a REALTOR to speak to another agent’s client, there is nothing wrong with a buyer and seller communicating directly. They are not held to the same ethical standards. It is completely ok for a buyer and seller to directly speak to each other.

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Can sellers lie about multiple offers?

Yes, they can lie. Realtors—a subset of real estate agents—are forbidden by their Code of Ethics from lying, though some do. Not many, but some. Usually, though, it’s not an outright lie.

Can you view house after offer accepted?

The inspection typically occurs 7 – 10 days after the offer is accepted, and allows the home buyer and inspector a chance to privately view the home. As the seller is not present for the inspection, you’ll have a few tasks that must be completed in preparation for the home inspection.

Can I see if there are any other offers on a house?

At this point, you could ask your agent if they can see if there are any other offers on the house. This makes a lot of sense, but even then, odd things can happen. For example, between the time you decide to write an offer, and the time you go to submit the offer, another offer on the house can be accepted.

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When do you have to make an offer on a house?

Until contracts are signed, and in some states attorney review is completed, the home is still available. You should always make an offer if it is something you want regardless of any other offers. Is your Realtor working for you as a buyer’s agent or is he a seller’s agent for the seller?

How do I register an offer on a house with another broker?

Have your agent call the other brokerage and ask how many offers are “registered “. “Registered offer” is real estate lingo for a signed offer, and most agents will officially ‘register’ their offer by calling the listing brokerage and informing them that an offer has been signed.

What is a purchase offer on a house called?

Your purchase offer, if accepted as it stands, will become a binding sales contract—also known as a purchase agreement, an earnest money agreement or a deposit receipt. It’s important, therefore, the offer contain every element needed to serve as a blueprint for the final sale.