
How does or best offer work?

How does or best offer work?

Best Offer lets you offer the seller a price you’re willing to pay for the item. The seller can accept, reject, or counter your offer by suggesting another price. Best Offer is a great way to buy the item you’ve been looking for at a bargain price.

Can a seller counter a best and final offer?

A buyer can counter a seller’s offer, even after the seller presents a “final” offer. But if you’ve already signed a contract, the offer – and the acceptance of the offer – are legally binding, leaving you little to no wiggle room to make a new offer.

Do sellers always counter offer?

As a seller, you probably won’t want to accept a potential buyer’s initial bid on your home if it’s below your asking price. At this point most sellers will make a counteroffer with a price that’s higher but still below their list price, because they’re afraid of losing the potential sale.

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What do people mean by best offer?

When you start getting offers on an item you’re selling, you may see a Best Offer banner. It highlights the largest offer you’ve received on something that’s selling for a negotiable price. Use it as a guide to help you decide on an acceptable price and select a buyer.

Why do sellers ask for best offer?

The seller wants to speed up the selling process. Asking for a best and final offer signals that you’re not really interested in a prolonged negotiation. You want everyone to make the offer by a certain date and time and you’re going to pick the best one in your eyes.

What happens with best and final offers?

The best and final offer in a real estate bid is the most favorable terms the buyer is willing to offer the seller for the purchase of the property. A seller who receives multiple offers will resolve the situation by asking each bidder to submit only one offer that represents their best and final offer.

Can you negotiate after best and final offer?

Definition of Best and Final Offers Rather than negotiating separately with each buyer, the seller’s real estate agent may ask for the best and final offer from each interested party. Final: This is the buyer’s last offer; after they put it in, there will be no more negotiation for this property.

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Why you should never take a counter offer?

Some negative things can happen when you accept a counteroffer at your current company. Your loyalty could be questioned making it a hostile work environment, you might not be satisfied with the job in the long term, you might not be appreciated as an employee, and you might not be getting paid enough.

How do you respond to a counter offer?

Elements to include in your counter offer response are:

  1. A professional greeting.
  2. A message stating whether you accept the candidate’s offer.
  3. Your enthusiasm for them to join the team.
  4. A summary of the new terms you’re offering.
  5. Reasons they should work for your company.

What can I Sell on OfferUp to make money?

Selling on OfferUp is a great way to make some extra money. We’ve sold all kinds of things—home decor, baby gear, furniture, camping equipment, a Blentec blender, snow shoes— you name it! Our small apartment has limited storage space, so unwanted items are promptly donated or sold.

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What are the best sales axioms to sell more?

Regardless of what industry you’re in or what type of organizations you sell into, a few sales axioms hold. These rules can help you sell more to just about anybody, and in this article, we break them down into two main categories: Make it about them. Do your research before reaching out. Build rapport first. Define your buyer.

What is the cardinal rule of sales?

The cardinal rule of sales is to always make it about your buyer. Every email you write, voicemail you leave, demo you give, and meeting you attend should place the focus squarely on the buyer. Constantly ask yourself, ” What’s the relevance to this particular prospect? ” and customize each interaction accordingly.

How do you use a bad offer as a good offer?

Use a bad offer to push up a good offer – AKA, bluffing. Having multiple offers gives you the ability to bluff. As I mentioned, you’re not required to disclose anything about the other offer. If you get one good offer and one not so good offer, let the good offer know there’s another offer and push the good offer to accept your terms.