
What is wrong with Cloud FF7 Remake?

What is wrong with Cloud FF7 Remake?

The Mako poisoning, Jenova’s influence, and the trauma result in Cloud taking on the persona of his friend Zack, and replacing many of his own memories with Zacks. This series of events is the root cause of Cloud’s headaches.

Why is TIFA dressed like that?

Tifa’s dress is decided by your behaviour in Chapter 3, Aerith’s by Chapter 8 and Cloud’s by Chapter 9, the same chapter in which you invade Corneo’s and get to see the dresses together after making Johnny, Heads or Tails and Madam M massage course choices.

Is FF7 overrated?

FF7 would be pretty close to the bottom of the list. Not only is it not a very good Final Fantasy; it’s not really a fantastic game. It is highly overrated and is vastly inferior to the prior games in the series.

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Can Don Corneo choose TIFA?

Depending on Cloud’s attire, Don may choose either Cloud, Aeris, or Tifa for his “bride for the night”. Cloud will battle Corneo’s lackeys if he is not chosen, but the storyline leads to the same conclusion no matter whom out of the party is chosen.

Does TIFA wear a bra?

Under the guise of making Tifa a more realistic female, Tifa was given a sports bra (not an undershirt) so she can be athletic with out her breasts flying all over the place.

How do you get TIFA’s blue dress?

Getting the blue dress for Cloud

  1. Say Tifa is “in great shape” when describing her to Sam.
  2. Follow Johnny and talk to him when he runs past you at the beginning of Chapter 9.
  3. Complete his mini quest line.
  4. Play heads or tails against Chocobo Sam.
  5. Pick the cheapest hand massage from Madam M.

What percentage of FF7 is midgar?

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In comparison to the original FF7, the game was linear back then. I just completed the game recently and it took me about 35hours. And that’s only midgar and 15\% of the full game according to Square Enix.

How do you beat Don Corneo?

Talk to the person standing in the center of the room and compete in a squatting contest. Lose and Big Bro will give you a nasty WIG, tie and he’ll give you a DYED WIG, win and he’ll give you a BLONDE WIG. With a dress and a wig in hand, you’ll have everything you need to gain admittance to Don Corneo’s Mansion.

How do I get donto to pick cloud?

When in there, go up stairs and to the left to find Tifa. You will have a conversation and then be told to go see the Don. Leave the room and you will go in to see him and he will pick who he wants. If he picks Cloud then the trophy should unlock when you enter his room.