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Does seller have to respond to offer?

Does seller have to respond to offer?

Homebuyers typically anticipate a response after taking the time to write an offer. However, sellers are under no legal obligation to respond or otherwise entertain an offer. To improve your chances of gaining a seller response, follow the offer instructions precisely and make your offer competitive.

Why do sellers wait to accept offers?

Sometimes the listing agent has the answer, the seller is holding out, the seller is on vacation, the seller isn’t tech-savvy and hasn’t had an opportunity to review it yet. There are several reasons sellers delay accepting an offer and if a buyer really wants the home they might be at the seller’s mercy.

Can a seller refuse a full price offer?

Home sellers are free to reject or counter even a contingency-free, full-price offer, and aren’t bound to any terms until they sign a written real estate purchase agreement.

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Do a offer or make a offer?

“Make an offer to someone” is correct, though not as colloquial as “make someone an offer.” “Make an offer for someone” would only be used in “buying” someone.

Should you offer 10 less than asking price?

As with all negotiations, when you are making an offer on a house, start low. A good rule of thumb though is to offer 5\% to 10\% lower than the asking price. Don’t forget that sellers often take this into account and deliberately put their house on the market for more than they expect or would accept.

What is the meaning of the word entertained?

to hold in the mind; harbor; cherish: They secretly entertained thoughts of revenge. Archaic. to maintain or keep up. verb (used without object) to exercise hospitality; entertain company; provide entertainment for guests: They loved to talk, dance, and entertain.

What is the meaning of entertainment?

3. ( tr) to hold in the mind: to entertain an idea. 1. to hold the attention of pleasantly or agreeably; divert; amuse. 2. to have as a guest; show hospitality to. 3. to admit into the mind; consider: I never entertained such an idea. 4. to hold in the mind; harbor; cherish: to entertain thoughts of revenge.

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What does it mean to entertain a guest?

To hospitality to guests. To provide entertainment. [Middle English entertinen, to maintain, from Old French entretenir, from Medieval Latin intertenēre : Latin inter, among; see inter- + Latin tenēre, to hold; see ten- in Indo-European roots .] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

What is the meaning of offer and acceptance?

The meaning of offer and acceptance is the basis of a contract. To form a contract, there must be an offer made by one party which is, in turn, accepted by another party, and then, in most cases goods and/or services must be exchanged between the two.