
How much can the strongest woman bench press?

How much can the strongest woman bench press?

Competing in the +90-kilogram weight class, powerlifter Rae-Ann Coughenour-Miller scored the heaviest female bench press of all time — 274.4 kilograms (605 pounds).

Is 135 a good bench for a girl?

According to Strength Level – Weightlifting Calculator (Bench/Squat/Deadlift) a 150 lb. female between ages 24 and 39 who can bench 135 lbs as her 1RM is in the top 24\% of female lifters in the same class. It’s a calculator so you can play with the weight, age range and reps to get an idea.

How much can the average woman bench press kg?

Bench Press – Adult Women

Body Weight Untrained Intermediate
44 22.5 35.0
48 25.0 37.5
52 27.5 37.5

What is the average weight someone can bench press?

For a 198-pound man — a very close match for the national average — who has no experience benching whatsoever, places the standard at 135 pounds. That jumps up to 175 for a novice and 215 for an intermediate lifter. At the advanced level, the number is 290 pounds.

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Can a woman lift 1000 pounds?

Reaching the 1,000-pound club is an impressive feat for any lifter man or woman. It is essentially a standard by which many lifters measure themselves to be “strong.” To join the club, add the total weight you can lift in a squat, bench press and deadlift. If the total is more than 1,000, you’re in.

What’s the most weight lifted by a woman?

The heaviest weight lifted with both eye sockets (female) is 22.95 kg (50 lb 9.5 oz) and was achieved by Ellen “Pinkie” Pell (US) in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, on 2 April 2016.

How much should a woman lift?

Ideally, a woman should start at 40\% of her 1RM value or 40\% of the maximal weight. What is this? Anything above 70\% of your one-repetition maximum should be considered heavy lifting. At this strength, you should be able to complete anything between 3-15 reps, with 4-6 reps being the average.

How much can a woman leg press?

Usually, a woman can sustain up to 105 pounds. But athletic women will bring more than four times more.

How much can a woman lift kg?

This relates to loads held close to the body at around waist height. The recommended maximum weight is reduced to 5kg for loads being held at arms length or above shoulder height. Maximum weight guidelines recommend lower weights for women. The suggested maximum weight for women is 16kg for loads held at waist height.

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Whats a good bench press for a girl?

According to, a woman who weighs 97 pounds and is untrained in the exercise should be able to press 50 pounds. At a novice or intermediate level, she should be able to press 65 or 75 pounds, respectively. At the advanced or elite level, the average weight she should be able to press is about 95 or 115 pounds.

Whats a good dead lift for a female?

The average deadlift for a female 20-year-old is 2.0 times bodyweight. Depending on the weight class, deadlifts will range from 147kg to 258kg for men and 95kg to 153kg for women.

Is it possible to squat 1000 pounds?

After finishing his third squat rep and racking the weight, Duffin broke down in tears—which were well-warranted as he completed this awesome feat. While the event wasn’t sanctioned, Duffin is likely the first person ever to both squat and deadlift over 1,000 pounds, according to BarBend.

What is a good bench press for a woman?

Regarding the bench press, women have to rely more on their triceps, shoulders, and back. That’s why the key to a good bench press for the female lifter is strong triceps and good mobility. For squats, females respond better to a mix of high volume and high intensity and don’t suffer with recovery issues as much as men.

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What is the average weight a woman can bench press?

According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, the average American woman weighs 166 pounds. The standard bench press for a woman who weighs 166 pounds and has never trained before is set at a one-rep maximum of 80 pounds. This means that she may be able to bench press 80 pounds once.

How much should females be able to bench press?

A 181-pound woman without any weight-training experience should be able to bench press 85 pounds, on average. Women of the same weight with novice, intermediate, advanced or elite levels of weight training should have average bench press weights of 110, 120, 160 and 195 pounds respectively.

What is the average bench press by age and weight?

According to Baglione, the general rule of thumb for bench press is a moderately healthy, injury-free average person should be able to press 70\% of their body weight . The ‘average man’ should be able to stick to this scale below, put together by The American College of Sports Medicine. Age 24- Body Weight of 170 – Presses – approx. 105\% of BW; Age 33- Body Weight of 180 – Presses – approx. 75\% of BW; Age 46- Body Weight of 183 – Presses – approx. 70\% of BW