
What would you do if you could live your life over again?

What would you do if you could live your life over again?

If I could live my life all over again – this is what I would do differently.

  1. Read more books more passionately.
  2. Spend less time in the gym doing exercise.
  3. Invest more money into savings.
  4. Spend less time with friends.

Are you living the life of your dreams if you had a choice today of how do you live your life what would you do is that what you are doing now?

If you want to live the life of your dreams you need to focus on the present, keep your eyes on the future, and leave the past behind. Forgive yourself for your past mistakes and failures. There is nothing you can do about them today.

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What is required to change things in your life?

Set Goals Remember that your goals may change. Always be flexible with setting and achieving your goals as things in life change, and your goals need to reflect these changes. The Make It Happen Handbook is a great tool to help you start taking these small steps and achieve your goal successfully. Don’t miss it out!

What are my desires in life?

Desire is an intrinsic part of human life. We all wish for a variety of things; many are materialistic and some emotional. We want health, wealth, comfort, good relationships, success, good progeny and fame.

How do you live and not exist?

39 Ways to Live, and Not Merely Exist

  1. Love. Perhaps the most important.
  2. Get outside. Don’t let yourself be shut indoors.
  3. Savor food. Don’t just eat your food, but really enjoy it.
  4. Create a morning ritual. Wake early and greet the day.
  5. Take chances.
  6. Follow excitement.
  7. Find your passion.
  8. Get out of your cubicle.
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Why is change important in life?

Every change you experience gives you the opportunity to learn and grow (even if it is just learning about an amazing new coffee shop). You learn new things about yourself, others or the world, which can impact how you live your life.

What do you want life list?

Spiritual/Emotional Things

  • Have at least one true best friend.
  • Feel relief from social judgment.
  • Reconcile with an enemy.
  • Be remembered in a positive way after death.
  • Know that you made a difference in someone else’s life.
  • Feel important to others.
  • Know yourself and feel centered.
  • Live each day without regret.

How can I make life worth living?

Here are the 7 ways you make your life worth living, and avoid any regrets when your time comes:

  1. Take the Time to Know Yourself.
  2. Work on Meaningful Goals.
  3. Give to Receive.
  4. Immerse Yourself in Everything You Do.
  5. Forgive Everyone You Hate.