What is theism worldview?

What is theism worldview?

THEISM is the philosophical worldview that perceives the orders of existence (physical things, organisms, persons) as dependent for their being and continuance on one self-existent God, who alone is worthy of worship.

What is the disadvantage of theism?

One disadvantage is that you’re believing in something that has no foundation in reality, and thus do not have a platform for understanding the world. Another disadvantage is that the social cohesion with other like-minded theists neccessitates a social wedge between you and everyone not in your theistic group.

What is the traditional notion of God in classical theism?

The traditional notion of god in classical theism is that of a timeless, changeless, immaterial mind, who also must be infinitely good, infinitely wise, and can do anything logically possible. There are some variations on this concept, but almost all traditional or classical theistic gods have these basic characteristics.

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Why do the first cause cosmological arguments for God fail?

The failure of all the “first cause” cosmological arguments for god result from naively taking our everyday notions of how we see the way the universe works and extrapolating from that huge metaphysical first principles.

What is the difference between steady state theory and eternalism?

Eternalism is also different from the Steady State theory of the universe. Those who don’t understand this do not understand special and general relativity properly.) Now it would be foolish of me to make such grand claims without providing any evidence why eternalism is true.

Why can’t a timeless being do anything?

The problem is that a timeless, changeless being by definition cannot do anything; it’s necessarily causally impotent and nonfunctional. Change requires time, and time requires change. This is logically certain. And to create something, one must do something. Doing requires a change, regardless of whether that change is mental or physical.