Useful tips

What food has a good smell?

What food has a good smell?

Other boldly scented and healthy foods include:

  • Alliums (including garlic, onions and leeks)
  • Cheeses.
  • Cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts)
  • Fermented foods (like sauerkraut, kimchi and kefir)
  • Fish (including anchovies, sardines and tuna)
  • Hardboiled eggs.
  • Vinegar.

What are people’s favorite scent?


  • Freshly baked bread.
  • Bacon.
  • Freshly cut grass.
  • Coffee.
  • Cakes baking in the oven.
  • The seaside.
  • Freshly washed clothes.
  • A Sunday roast.

What do you call the scent of food?

Any aroma you enjoy — whether it’s perfume, flowers, or food — can be called a fragrance.

What food smells the strongest?

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Surströmming Surströmming is a Swedish canned fish that translates roughly as “fermented Baltic herring”. It is similar to the Japanese fermented fish called kusaya — which literally means “smells bad” — widely considered to be the most pungent-smelling food in Japanese cuisine.

What are nice smells?

10 Things That Smell Good

  • Freshly cut lemons. Happy and fresh.
  • Babies anytime, but especially after a bath, nestled in your arms.
  • Coffee brewing in the morning. Heaven.
  • A warm ocean breeze.
  • Chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven.
  • Popcorn popping at the movie theater.
  • Coppertone Sunscreen.
  • Bakeries.

What is the most liked scent?

Vanilla is universally well-liked Of all the materials that go in fragrances, vanilla is the most liked globally.” With vanilla scents being so common in perfumes, you have an awfully good chance of finding one you like. Signs also point to vanilla being a successful aphrodisiac.

What’s the most popular scent?

Chanel N°5 is, without a doubt, the most iconic fragrance of all time. It’s been a staple within many a glamorous woman’s fragrance wardrobes since its creation back in 1921.

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How do you describe the smell of food?

Aromatic – perfumed, fragrant, scented, sweet smelling, pungent, usually pleasing – it is not odorless and unscented. Balmy – having the pleasing fragrance of aromatic balm, mild, pleasant, gentle, soft and not pungent at all. Corky – smelling like cork. Comforting – pleasant aroma.

How do you describe good food?

Delicious meals are tasty, appetizing, scrumptious, yummy, luscious, delectable, mouth-watering, fit for a king, delightful, lovely, wonderful, pleasant, enjoyable, appealing, enchanting, charming. You wouldn’t call delicious that what is tasteless or unpleasant.

What are some of your favorite smells?

Laundry fresh off the line There is just something about the smell of laundry dried on a clothesline. I love it!

  • Scented Candles I love the smell of certain candles. Two of my favorites are Cinnamon Caramel Swirl and Mulled Cider.
  • Freshly Baked Bread Oh my goodness,I am getting hungry even as I write this.
  • What are good smelling things?

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    Popular wisdom holds that good smells are in the nose of the sniffer. You like the scent of roses; I like fresh coffee. But a scientific study using a robotic “eNose” proves that pleasant smells are universal – and predictable.

    What do foods smell good?

    Lemons. The lively and awakening scent of lemon plays a key role in making your body smell great. The natural disinfectant and antibacterial abilities of lemons also help eliminate body odor and control bad breath caused by bacteria.

    What are the different types of scents?

    Of the five different types of perfumes, floral fragrances are the most prevalent on a worldwide basis. Women of all ages enjoy floral perfumes, which have flowery notes that are both feminine and romantic. Some of the most popular floral scents include jasmine, lavender, rose and violet.