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Is India buying Russia SU-57?

Is India buying Russia SU-57?

A total of 12 prototype Su-57s were constructed for testing and assessment, and just months after India backed out of the program, Russia’s Defence Ministry signed a contract to purchase the first two serial production Su-57s, slated for delivery in 2019 and 2020.

Why did India opt out of su57?

According to a story at the time published by The Diplomat, the Indian Air Force (IAF) has repeatedly stated its desire to withdraw from the program – when it was known as the Russian Sukhoi/HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited) Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) and in India as the Perspective Multi-role Fighter ( …

Is India buying fighter jets from Russia?

Last year, India’s council for defense purchases approved the acquisition of 21 Russia’s MiG-29 fighters. The Russian federal service said in February that the Indian government also decided in favour of purchasing the aircraft. The international aerospace show is taking place in the Moscow Region from July 20-25.

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Is SU-57 a failure?

Westerns analysts have concluded that Russia’s fifth-generation Sukhoi Su-57 stealth fighter is unlikely to enter operational service before 2027. Postponements, cost-overruns and research and development-related problems mar the project. This should come as no surprise. The Su-57 program was never really viable.

Is India buying more Rafale?

Sources said that one thing is clear that the IAF is looking beyond just 36 additional Rafale, which will take it up to four squadrons of the aircraft. But the IAF needs more numbers to beef up its squadron strength, since the last time the force had 42 squadrons was in 2002.

Can India buy more Sukhoi?

NEW DELHI: India is now formally moving ahead to procure 21 MiG-29 and 12 Sukhoi-30MKI fighters from Russia, along with upgrades of their existing fleets, after the Cabinet Committee on Security approved the production of 83 indigenous Tejas jets last week.