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Do French Legionnaires get a pension?

Do French Legionnaires get a pension?

Most legionnaires do one of the following things after they have served their five years: they continue serving for another five years. After fifteen years of service, the Legion pays you a small pension.

Is it hard to get into the French Foreign Legion?

Every day, several dozen men hoping to enlist arrive in Aubagne and in other recruitment centers throughout France, officers say. The selection process is notoriously harsh, and only one in nine candidates will ever don the Legion’s trademark white kepi. Applicants must be between 17 and 40 years old.

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Can you have a beard in the French Foreign Legion?

France. The French allow their troops to grow beards off duty or on leave, but never in uniform. That is, except for the Sappers — they must grow a beard. The French Foreign Legion’s Sappers are encouraged to grow a long, beautiful beard.

What do you eat in the French Foreign Legion?

French Army ration packs when in the field/combat. Contracted fresh food supplied in garrison, either local or shipped in. Fresh bread when available; cheeses; wine ration. I remember a lot of stews and casserole type main entrees in garrison.

How many years can you serve in the French Foreign Legion?

The initial contract is for 5 years. At the end of this first contract, the legionary can choose to continue his career by means of successive contracts whose duration varies between 6 months and 5 years.

Do I need to speak French to join the Foreign Legion?

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1. Q: Do I need to speak French to join the French Foreign Legion? A: No. In fact, the vast majority of candidates do not speak French.

Why do some French Foreign Legion carry axes?

Uniform of Tradition The Legion Pionniers distinguish themselves by their specific and unique dress uniform : Axe (French: Hache): serves to destroy obstacles of wood dressed by the enemy.

What is the retirement age for the French Foreign Legion?

You can go to retirement after 19,5 years of service, but this law is going to change in the near future. This is going to be valid for the whole French Army, not only for the French Foreign Legion. The law was supposed to come out in 2020, but due to the Coronavirus disease, the government has other more important things to do…

How can I join the French Foreign Legion in France?

Spanish, German and Russian versions are included. The French Foreign Legion accepts recruits from all over the world. The Foreign Legion recruitment is officially running 24/7/365 (yes, you can join every day, all year long).

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What are the benefits of being a Canadian Legion member?

A: The Legion offers you 20 working days during your first year of service, 25 working days during your second year of service, and, since your third year of service, you will be provided with 45 working days of annual leave (vacation/holiday) per year.

What happens when you leave the FFL after 5 years?

The best story I heard about guys who left the FFL after 5 years and made a great career was about two Ukrainian brothers. During their years, they bought two flats and founded a small enterprise right after they left the Legion. In France it’s not too difficult to launch a business if you have a good idea and like to work.