
What is the cleanest programming language?

What is the cleanest programming language?

In the case of “cleanest” meaning “fewest language constructs”, – for low level language, it is surely assembly language. there are nearly no language constructs at all, programming at your greatest will.

Which is the most compact programming language?

I’d say one of the most sparse/compact of the popular programming languages in existence today is C. That being said, depending on what it is you’re trying to do with it you could end up writing far more code than you would with a less compact language.

How do you clean Python code?

Martin with code examples written in Java, I decided to write an article on how to write clean code in Python for data scientists….Motivation

  1. be small.
  2. do one thing.
  3. contain code with the same level of abstraction.
  4. have fewer than 4 arguments.
  5. have no duplication.
  6. use descriptive names.
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What is the lightest programming language?

JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, or just-in-time compiled programming language with first-class functions. While it is most well-known as the scripting language for Web pages, many non-browser environments also use it, such as Node. js, Apache CouchDB and Adobe Acrobat.

What is the top programming language?

JavaScript rules the roost, but Python is making huge gains. JavaScript is now used by more than 16.4 million developers globally, says a survey of more than 19,000 coders – making it the world’s most popular programming language “by a wide margin”.

What is clean code Javascript?

First of all, what does clean coding mean? Clean coding means that in the first place you write code for your later self and for your co-workers and not for the machine. Your code must be easily understandable for humans.

How small function should be?

A function should be as short as possible. A function may grow if it needs to enforce sequential coupling rules, e.g. if there are several steps that need to happen in a particular order. On the other hand, the individual steps could be farmed out to separate functions if the function gets too big.

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Why do people write messy code?

Sometimes, a code is messy because the developer doesn’t know how to do it better. For example, a code might employ a switch statement where a map would be much easier. In this case, the advice of senior developers is key. Establishing a routine of code review can help create a feedback loop.
