
What were 3 important Indian achievements?

What were 3 important Indian achievements?

Ancient India was home to two of the world’s first cities, Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. These cities had stone buildings, multiply stories, and sewage systems! India was one of the very first civilizations to use algebra and calculus. The number zero was invented in Ancient India by a man named Aryabhatta.

What advancements were made in ancient India?

11 Ancient Inventions & Discoveries Of Science That India Gifted To The Rest Of The World

  • Ancient Dentistry (7000 BC)
  • Ayurveda (5000 BC)
  • Ancient flush toilet systems (2500 BC)
  • Ruler (2400 BC)
  • Weighing scale (2400BC)
  • Plastic surgery (2000 BC)
  • Pythagorean theorem (700 BC)
  • Crucible steel (200BC)

What are some of India’s achievements?

India’s achievements are numerous and include a strong democracy, robust roots of secularism, higher education, nuclear power, stunning economic growth, and revival of numerous aspects of traditional wisdom.

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What are the achievements of India since independence?

Literacy and Income. The huge improvements in India in terms of literacy rate and per capita income since 1947 can be regarded among the biggest achievements of post-independence India. In 1947, literacy rate in India was only 12 percent. It rose to 74.04 percent in 2011 (when the last census was held).

What did ancient India contribute to the world?

Indians invented zero and the number system, one of the greatest innovations in history. The decimal system, the value of pi, algebra, trigonometry, calculus and many mathematical concepts were all born in India.

How did ancient India contribute to astronomy?

Indian Astronomy, Astrology and the Vedas The ancient Indian astronomers used the stars and the planets to create astrological charts and read omens, devising sophisticated mathematical models and developing many interesting theories, many of which passed into the Islamic world and Europe.

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What are the achievements of India in technology?

15 Indian Achievements That Helped Push Technological Boundaries The World Over 1. Development of an atomic clock has made ISRO one of the few space organisations in the world to have gained this sophisticated technology. 2. A team of Indian astronomers has discovered an extremely large supercluster of galaxies.

What are some of the major ancient Indian inventions?

One of the major ancient Indian inventions is Chess. Chess was invented in ancient India and was known as Ashtapada. Ashtāpada was the board game which predates chess. It was mentioned on the list of games that Gautama Buddha would not play. Around the 6th century during the Gupta period it was called Chaturanga.

What are the achievements of the Indus Valley Civilization?

Ancient Indian Achievements – Indus Valley Civilization While the rest of the world was still in the pre historic age and living in the nomadic culture, India boasts to have the most advanced civilizations of the world. The cities of Mohenjo – Daro and Harappa had very advanced sense of town planning and urban landscape.

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What is the history of Iron Works in India?

Iron working: Iron works were developed in India, around the same time as, but independently of, Anatolia and the Caucasus. Archaeological sites in India, such as Malhar, Dadupur, Raja Nala Ka Tila and Lahuradewa in present-day Uttar Pradesh show iron implements in the period between 1800 BCE—1200 BCE.